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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • In your opinion where did it go wrong?

    1985… when the National Party decided to commercialise and deregulate everything in the hopes of causing socio-economic chaos in the country - which it did. They, for instance, knew perfectly wll deregulating the taxi industry would cause chaos - they literally commissioned White Papers to research the outcomes - and they did it not in spite of the findings of that research, but because of it.

    Same thing with Eskom - commercialised in 1985, and by 2002 Eskom was disconnecting more households than they were connecting - I literally have the UKZN research papers on my desktop to prove it - because Eskom was now being “run like a business.” The outcome we see today shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, but because the media has been lying to us about the root cause of our problems we are all making surprise Pikachu faces while whining about “corruption” and “incompetence.”

    The ANC took one look at this state of affairs and went, “Oh, we’re fine with this” and they’ve been doing the bog-standard “living it up while the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer” neoliberal shuffle ever since. Don’t get me wrong… the ANC is as corrupt as fuck - but that doesn’t make them unique here in South Africa or the rest of the world. But they are not the root cause… it’s the socio-economic system that enables this shitfuckery that is.

    What should the government/country do to get out the current crisis?

    We already know how… the same people that now applaud the DA or ActionSA every time their talking heads use the word “privatisation” are the very people who remember (or rather, selectively forgets) how well our public infrastructure worked when they were actually run as public infrastructure and not profit-making “businesses.” That’s what the country needs to do - reclaim our public infrastructure. But don’t expect the snivelling racketeers (whether they be ANC, DA, EFF or any of the parasites squatting in parliament) in our political establishment to push that idea any time soon…

  • They’re relatively cheap and provide a lot of nutritional value for the weight - I buy them in big bags straight from the farmer’s market. Tree nuts (peanuts aren’t actually nuts at all - they’re legumes) are literally a luxury only the rich can afford in my country these days - kind of ironic since we’re the world’s top producer of macademia nuts.

    Roasting them is actually important since that degrades aflatoxins - they also just taste better.

  • Way to avoid the question

    I’m not avoiding the question - you are avoiding the entire reality of the situation. The colonized does not require your approval or oversight to wage war against colonizers.

    devising a workable solution to the inherent complexities that exist between the two countries.

    What complexities? Why are people all of a sudden pretending that western colonialism - and the resistance against it - is suddenly a “new” thing?

    (the impetus for which I can only guess)

    Again… there is no mystery here - Israel has always been a western-backed colonialist project. No ifs, ands or buts. Where is the mystery?

    but escalation via killing uninvolved civilians

    If we cared about “civilians,” wouldn’t we be concerned about colonialism in the first place? No? Then I guess we’re only concerned when said “civilians” belonging to the colonizer side start dying, eh?

  • Is it justified to commit warcrimes against civilians, because you’ve had warcrimes committed against you?

    You want to go and lecture people suffering colonial genocide how to resist said colonial genocide in a way that doesn’t discomfort you?

    Be my guest… hell, if you take a shipment of 7.62x39 with you, they might even have a reason to listen to you.

    I would gladly stand in opposition to that, too.

    A bit late for that, don’t you think? Just like it’s a bit late to “stand in opposition” when this particular colonial genocide began all the way back in 1949.

    Wanna know one thing that it’s never too late for? Questioning why you have been drenched in narratives surrounding Hamas’s “crimes” (real, perceived and/or invented) while you have zero context regarding the long, long list of atrocities committed by Israel since 1949 nor the even larger atrocities committed by Israel’s western backers - you know… the same backers that are drenching you in these narratives?

    It’s never too late to figure out who it is that is manipulating you - and why.