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Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • look/scan ahead as you always should be. don’t text and drive. don’t eat and drive. don’t shave and drive. look at sidewalks, driveways, and through windshields to see if you can spot a small person behind a car, or even for feet or a cat underneath the car. if you can’t see clearly enough to stop in time; go slower. Plenty of ways to know what’s coming and avoid hitting it. Nothing will just pop up in front of you if you scan ahead because you should already know what could possibly jump in front of you. This is the best we can do in this case of putting the liabilities of driving on the driver. You have the big heavy vehicle that can kill things- drive like it.

  • Idk, restricting access to anything is “conservative” in practice and at the heart. Conserving is the main action a ‘conservative’ must practice. Don’t eat too much food. Don’t drink too much alcohol (if any). Don’t have too much sex. i.e. conserve your wants and needs so as to… well, at this point they impart religious contexts to justify why it will be worth it to deny yourself in the end.

    If I were a conservative though, the part that would piss me off is when I find out my so-called “leaders” are engaging in the same loose activities I’ve been lead to feel guilty for having thought of and brother, that’s A LOT of conservatives. In just politics it’s almost always republicans, and in the church, it’s almost always the pastors/leadership. You conservatives have a lot of reconciliation to do if you ever expect to win an election fairly.

  • Documentaries are often making a point, arguing a stance.

    You’re talking about bias. A documentary that portrays a lie as the truth, with regard to politics, is propaganda. When watching video evidence of something it would be important to note how it was edited and framed, but even then you can tell when they’re bullshitting you versus giving you an honest caption of an event.

    I mean is Super Size Me “propaganda” against McDonalds?

    No, McDonald’s isn’t a political organization and propaganda is distinctly political. This isn’t presenting an example of bias either as his goal was to shock his audience. I remember this being in theaters and it was all the shock of what McDonald’s does to the average, sedentary, white person - basically middle America in the 90’s.

    “Bad documentary” really isn’t covering what propaganda is. It’s more than movies and messages and in the case of the right wing of America they’re given credence to voices that will never be trusted by the string pullers. YouTube Shitter, Facebook they don’t need algorithms to be done with these dumb-dumbs because it’s common sense the earth isn’t flat. One utterances of that shit should delete them from a platform. To promote those views, as harmless as they seem, only encourages that poison to filter through the rest of the know-nothings who regurgitate this crap.