I had totally forgotten about solarbabies… and tonight I’m gonna make sure to drink enough to forget it again.
the 80s man… phew
“Humans are just imperfect crabs.” - @pH3ra@CubitOom@lemmy.ml
Trying to be the best crab I can.
I had totally forgotten about solarbabies… and tonight I’m gonna make sure to drink enough to forget it again.
the 80s man… phew
I never knew I wanted to see a vending machine assault children before that movie came into my life.
lolol sure thing bud
it’s happened, for sure, but in far lower incidence than public schools.
I honestly wouldn’t make the distinction, but you do have to admit the number (frequency) and impact (number killed) on the private school side is far, far below public schools (and that makes sense considering the proportions).
I wish the people who voted pro NRA shit had to take fire as often as school kids - it would change their policies quickly.
as a humor source, dressing up dongs and nutsacks has potential (gross as I find the organs), but for porn, does it work for people who are into dicks?
But if somehow enough Senators come to their senses, we get President JD Vance, who is going to be even worse in all these respects.
I agree with you up till that bit. Vance is puppeted by Theil, we’ll get a less musky and perhaps saner form of fascism.
not saying I look forward to either but if you’re tired of the absolute stupid shit that trump says every day like I am, a change would be nice…
Banning police unions is a no brainer.
they’re downright fucking evil, a hideous example of what a union should be doing. they protect the worst of the worst and keep the city and force paying for their bullshit. and they show no solidarity to other unions.
Korea but Cambodia
completely agree about cambodia, nixon’s hideous bullshit there is still killing kids through unexploded ord. Korea?
I mean maybe I don’t get your gist but we fought a long war there then pretty much occupied the place for the remainder.
you’re right…
but you gotta know sometimes the hurk is involuntary
There was a subreddit for people putting like outfits on their peckers
as the scrotum is easily the ugliest body part, bar none, for either sex, I gotta disagree.
you can shave it, dress it up, put a bow on it, nothing’s gonna change the fact that it’s a shriveled sack of nuts.
Tycho Brahe wouldn’t be phased.
“accel in my work”
work faster not smarter?
He released info that got our spies killed.
citation requested. I’ve only seen this as a fox news talking point, never, ever substantiated.
Not really a snowden fan myself, but really feel we need to be accurate when things like this are asserted.
well yeah but that’s no fun
If i could vote to abolish it i would
yeah, I’m american, same. funny we never really get the opportunity to vote on stuff like this tho. shit’s rigged.
thy cant’est mean thou
pfft, they think it’s gonna end when this is the outcome?