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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • The known unknowns and especially the unknown unknowns never get factored into an estimate. People only ever think about the happy path, if everything goes right. But that rarely every happens so estimates are always widely off.

    The book How Big Things Get Done describes a much better way to factor in everything without knowing all the unknowns though - Just look a previous similar projects and look how long they took, take the average and bounds then adjust up or down if you have good reason to do so. Your project will very likely take a similar amount of time if your samples are similar in nature to your current task. And the actual time already factors in all the issues and problems encountered and even if you don’t hit all the same issues your problems will likely take a similar amount of time. And the more previous examples you have the better these estimates get.

    But instead of that we just pluck numbers out of the air and wonder why we never hit them.

  • A water central heating system is a closed loop system that is under pressure. This means the water in it is circulated around and around the system and is cut off from other water supplies under normal operation. Naturally, slow leaks happen and gas can enter the system in various ways so occasionally this needs to be released from the system. Any gas in the system naturally collects at the highest points along the path - which tend to be the radiators.

    When you bleed a radiator you are opening the system to the outside and hopefully where the gas has accumulated. Since the system is under pressure it forces the gas out of the system to equalize the pressure with the outside. This will cause the pressure of the system to drop and eventually it will stop.

    However there should be a control valve somewhere, typically on/near the boiler that connects the central heating system up to the mains water supply. You can open this valve to cause water to flow into the central heating system and pressurize it and really this should be done every time you bleed the radiator a significant amount.

    In apartments though you might find that you are on a building wide circuit, or you might have one isolated for your apartment. If you have a boiler in your apartment then you are likely on a closed system and should be able to equalize the pressure yourself. If it is building wide you need to talk with your building manager.

    Note that you should not need to bleed your radiators that often. Once every several years should be more than enough. If you are doing it frequently then you likely have a large leak in your system and likely want to get someone to check that out.

  • I believe that either gender has a genetic disposition towards the feminine form.

    I am not sure you can conclude that. Environmental factors likely play a large role here as well as genetic factors. I feel we tend to idolize and sexualize the female form far more then the male form these days. But if you look back and different cultures that did the same with the male form I suspect you would see an opposite trend to both genders preferring the male form more often.

  • but you think those same users will be totally interested in spending hours writing Perl or JSON configs and memorizing dozens of keyboard shortcuts for every function they used to use the mouse for??

    Of course not. This is the argument for a tiling desktop environment. The only reason people need to do all that ATM is because of the current tiling window managers. Not because tiling window management is inherently complex to understand. You can have a tiling window manager with a GUI configuration and that better supports the mouse while still supporting keyboard shortcuts. Then users can incrementally learn the shortcuts - like they do with floating window managers - to gain productivity in their day to day tasks.

    They might not be for everyone, but giving everyone the choice is also not a bad thing. Most people I have seen that try a tiling window manager do end up liking it and quite a few hate to go back to floating ones. But not all of them can be bothered with the amount you need to configure the current ones.

    So what is wrong with trying to make a easier to configure, use and generally a batteries included tiling desktop environment? This is essentially what it looks like Cosmic are doing - they support both floating and proper tiling without needing complex configuration or needing to learn loads of shortcuts.

  • IMO the tiling support in KDE and with gnome extensions does not look great. It cannot replace someones workflow that has been on a true tiling window manager. It is a benefit to those that have been using floating window managers for their whole life but I cannot now go back to them. Cosmic is the first desktop environment that looks like it has true tiling support (that can rival a tiling window manger) and not just drag a window to a side/area of the screen. Though I have yet to really try it out.

  • I disagree. What is wrong with a fully featured batteries included desktop environment that has proper tiling support (not just partital drag the window to the edge of the screen support). Lower the barrior to entry so that more people can make use of this powerful way of working. The main reason that tiling is considered hardcore is becuase it has mostly only been available on minimal configure them yourself window managers. But tiling does not have to be for the fully DIY only crowed.

    IMO the basic tiling support on gnome or KDE are not good enough. So I am forced to use something minimal but TBH I am sick of needing 100s of lines of config to get a basic environment setup. Cosmic seems like it will be a good answer to this post as its tiling support looks far more fully baked than other full desktop environments and hopefully we will see more people wanting to try out tiling once it reaches a more stable point.

  • They can write good short bits of code. But they also often produce bad and even incorrect code. I find it more effort to read and debug its code then just writing it myself to begin with the vast majority of the time and find overall it just wastes more of my time overall.

    Maybe in a couple of years they might be good enough. But it looks like their growth is starting to flatten off so it is up for debate as to if they will get there in that time.

  • I don’t think it does anything with cookies directly. It just blocks connections to domains and removes elements from pages that match patterns you give it. Removing the cookies/privacy banners does just that - removes the banner. This SHOULD opt you out of tracking as the laws generally require explicit permission, so not clicking the accept button should be enough. But if the sites follow those laws or not is a completely different matter.

    Third party tracking cookies are normally blocked by their domain - when a tracking pixel is on the screen it reaches out to a known tracking domain which logs this visit and drops a cookie for that domain on the page. By blocking that domain the tracking request is never made and thus no cookie is dropped and so there is nothing to track you. Most tracking is done like this so it is quite effective. But it wont stop a first party cookie from being dropped or tracking done through that or any other data you send.

    Note that the laws don’t require permission for all cookies. Ones that are essential to the sites function (like a cookie that carries login info) are typically allowed and cannot be opted out of (you can always delete cookies locally though, the laws just cover what sites can use). And not all sites will respect these laws or try to skirt around them so none of this is 100% perfect by any means.

  • This is an absolute terrible post :/ I cannot believe he thinks that is a good argument at all. It basically boils down to:

    Here is a new feature modern languages are starting to adopt.

    You might thing that is a good thing. Lists various reasonable reasons it might be a good thing.

    The question is: Whose job is it to manage that risk? Is it the language’s job? Or is it the programmer’s job?

    And then moves on to the next thing in the same pattern. He lists loads of reasonable reasons you might want the feature gives no reasons you would not want it and but says everything in a way to lead you into thinking you are wrong to think you want these new features while his only true arguments are why you do want them…

    It makes no sense.