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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • This makes me laugh. You all whine about how unfair the DNC, the Media, centrists Democrats were to Bernie, and that caused him to lose the Primary. But you assume had he won the Primary that the Republican Party and Donald Trump would not have made all of that look like absolute childs play? If you can’t defend yourself against the DNC and CNN, you’re fucked when you go up against people that will just straight up lie about you. Using polls from when the GOP hadn’t said anything about Bernie is pointless. It was to their advantage to act like Bernie was perfect, it hurt Clinton.

  • and are assumed to not understand how strategic voting works

    That would be a correct assumption. I’ve seen twice as much apathy come out of Bernie fans than Progress. This war is a good example. We can all disagree with how they go about what they are doing, but the idea that they should only be defending will lead to more attacks. If the US just increased airport security after 9/11 and didn’t go after Bin Laden, you better bet they’d send more. The answer isn’t doing that they are doing now, and it’s not doing nothing. Bernie might have the right idea in a ideal world, but in reality it’s not a great take and it makes other Democrats look bad that are having to make the difficult decisions which again spreads apathy. I don’t think there is a good solution to the problem without going back in time and not letting the West arbitrarily divide up the middle east and fuck everything up in the first place.

  • What ads are you talking about? Music on Premium/Family has no audio ads period. The home screen offers music to listen to, but most are either genres you listen to, or overall popular items. I wouldn’t lump these in with ads for paper towels or fast food etc.

    Podcasts are free and ad-supported. You might be able to get ad-free if you go out to each producer and subscribe. I think Wonderly did that maybe?