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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023

  • Yeah,same for me. I avoid non-chain-operated hotels for that meanwhile - they are usually worse and often the owners are on such a high horse that they expect you to be thankful to spend your money there. With hotel chains you at least have a central customer support you can complain to.

    Last highlight: Was in a mid-market private hotel (no chains around there) and on the first evening my toilet seat broke. I mean, yeah, I am a little bit overweight but not nearly enough for that being the cause normally, so very likely it was just wear. Happens, no biggie.

    The reaction of the owner was the reason why I will never visit that establishment again - and neither will any of my staff: First they tried to ridicule me/accused me of intentionally vandalism, then they tried to make me put it through my insurance (won’t fly, they won’t pay a thing unless they can prove proper maintenance). And then she took 5 days to repair the bloody thing.

    Saw her treat her staff incredibly bad as well…so…

    Yeah, neither my staff nor me will come back. That makes them lose around 10k in income. But hey, it’s just “that remote working thing” and “everything getting more expensive”. Nope. It isn’t. It’s them.

  • Got exactly the same story with Skoda. Highlights were “Speed display crapping out mid journey - through Switzerland” or “Steering wheel getting loose”. Funnily enough the part that always worked without any issue was the EV part of the PHEV.

    Unofficially our (very good) local dealer told us that VW did reduce QA, especially chip wise.

    In the end we sued them, they tried to bully us and then they gave in two days before the trial date - we could return the car. Now we drive Hyundai and Volvos exclusively.

  • I work in disaster planning - so if you want a really good disaster to happen then give me a call.

    To be more serious:

    I write disaster response plans mostly for the medical field, e.g. hospitals, nursing homes. That starts with ordinary fires and flooding, but also includes things like “IT outtakes”(which kill far more people than fire each year), “supply line collaps”, etc.

    We also train staff, mostly management, and conduct full scale exercises. Additionally I write medical intelligence and evacuation reports. These are basically “plans” for aid workers, expats. that go to risky places: “Oh, I broke my leg in bumfuck nowhere South Sudan! What now? Is there a hospital? Which one do I go to? Which one has actual doctors? Is there a chance that a medical evacuation plane can reach me?”

    Originally I am a critical care paramedic and I am currently studying towards (another) master degree in healthcare management. Before I founded my current company I worked as a consultant for various healthcare related firms, before that as an ambulance service director.

    But mass casualty situations always were “my thing” and the multi-stakeholder approach I take during planning talking to basically all roles in a hospital, from the higher ups to the guy in charge of waste disposal, is something I enjoy immensely.

  • Especially frustrating if you are a healthcare professional. It is astonishing how many people give out bad medical advice here,on Reddit, Facebook,etc. with the notion of “well it worked for me”.

    Often it didn’t even work.

    I mean, yes, I know, it is a way for people to recover control after they “lost it” to their body. But at least don’t brag about it on the internet and even more don’t start a fight with someone who clearly has more knowledge due to professional training and years of experience.

    I’ve seen people fight the world leading specialist team on Reddit before…

  • A window unit is technically a heat pump (air to air heat pump). But they are terribly inefficient and ineffective - they often achieve less than 25% of the heating capacity of a proper heating setup. (Cooling is a bit different)

    Heatpumps are comparably easy to install if you compare them to regular thermal heating. You won’t need a chimney, no fuel storage or gas pipes. And they are much, much,much easier to maintain - no ash removal, no cleaning of potentially cancerous substances from a burn chamber,etc.

    Of course they are still more complicated than a window unit - but that is only slightly so with the benefit of massive gains.