I hook a cheap webcam up to a USB battery pack and load it up on my phone. Then I plug in a light and point the camera at that. It makes it a single trip and doesn’t bother the neighbors.
I hook a cheap webcam up to a USB battery pack and load it up on my phone. Then I plug in a light and point the camera at that. It makes it a single trip and doesn’t bother the neighbors.
I was looking for information like that when I last bought a TV in February and couldn’t find anything.
I punted and bought a SAMSUNG 65-Inch Class Crystal UHD 4K CU8000 Series (that’s like 1/4 of the amazon title) and have not connected it to the internet at all. As far as not being connected to the network, it’s… fine.
As far as how good of a TV it is, (which you didn’t ask, but since I’m here):
I’m not the most discerning viewer, but I think it’s got a good picture. Sometimes I can see the backlight adjust itself on very dark scenes, but it’s hardly a show stopper. I have an external speaker system, so really the only thing I do is turn it on and off (with the AppleTV remote). My only other gripe is that it takes a few seconds to decide to display the selected input full screen.
I keep a spreadsheet with every outlet/light in every room on it and their corresponding breakers. Much easier since breakers often span multiple rooms, sometimes only powering one or two fixtures in each.