Pronouns: any. You can’t get it wrong

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I live in Australia near our mountain pastures. The meat supply is a mix of local grass fed and finished beef and lamb, and grain finished beef from up north

    The grass finished meat has a healthier fat balance and tastes better

    I always ask butchers where my meat was raised and how it was finished as that affects the ethics and flavour. I agree with you that meat raised on grain is wasteful.

    Where’s the waste in what I buy? They drink from mountain streams, they eat grass. Most of their meat goes to human food, most of the rest goes to pet food, the skin becomes leather

    When I cook more meat than I can eat, the extra goes in the fridge and I eat it for the next meal

    On the relevant subreddit (which hasn’t moved to Lemmy) I have heard it’s easy to get grass finished beef in the US too

    1. Oh really? Funny I haven’t seen any nutritional deficiencies in my year on that way of eating, and haven’t died of scurvy even once. In fact I’m in the best health I ever have had since I was a youth

    2. Ethics? Eating animals raised on grass (in places which don’t support other agriculture) is worse than clear felling forests to support monoculture cereals?

    My food supports the land it grows on, which hosts a myriad other species