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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Hello there, fellow Ontarian!

    In seriousness, Ford is a great example of my point because he talks to how people feel. It doesn’t matter that it’s bullshit at best or whitewashing of his latest grift at worst, he’s at least acknowledging enough voters’ concerns and fears, and while tossing a bauble here or there (eg, booze in corner stores, buck a beer) to look like he’s doing something for the common person.

    His opposition doesn’t do this. Stiles gets ignored, and Crombie just seems like a weak Ford impersonator.

    The polticial left needs to do better. Yes that would probably mean getting called socialist, but since that’ll happen anyway they may as well own it.

  • Maybe, just maybe, liberal democracies need to do a better job solving problems for constituents and less time fellating billionaires.

    That might help.

    I mean, when I see a right-wing populist telling me they can fix all my problems, I know they’re a lying, opportunistic piece of shit, but I can also see the appeal because at least they’re saying that there’s problems and that they’ll do something, which is more than milquetoast centrists will do.

  • Demonizing and downplaying and sowing doubt on the credibility of public health did incredible damage. One of the reasons the US suffered as badly as it did is because the Trump admin treated it like a PR attack on Trump, instead of like a legitimate crisis, which it was.

    Trump’s failure is commonly assumed to have killed almost half-million people. And that’s just Trump’s response to COVID, turning vaccine hesitancy into a mainstream right-wing shibboleth is going to be a gift that keeps giving.

    Warp speed also didn’t really help that much. Of the recipients, only Moderna’s was successful, and Pfizer wasn’t part of the program. And that’s before we get into insider trading allegations and how it didn’t coordinate with anyone internationally.

  • Yeah, XP was pretty good.

    I was a young sysadmin during this era, I don’t know if I agree with this sentiment. It got tolerable by the time of the last service pack, but it was a security nightmare otherwise and didn’t offer much over Win2k.

    That said, I’m not a Windows fan in general, but I’d class the following as the “good” ones:

    • NT 3.5 (user-mode GDI FTW!)
    • Phone 7.0 (this was probably what I’d call the Practically Perfect version of Windows. WP7 is just so good)
    • NT 3.1 gets an honourable mention
    • 8 (after WP7, this is the first version of Windows that was pretty much stable on day one. Say what you will about the UI, the core was the best Microsoft has ever one; ditto fir Server 2012)
    • 10 (8 but with refinement; I’m cautious putting it here because you can see the genesis of the decisions that gave us 11)
    • Vista (a lot of what people like about 7 really came from Vista, like the WDDM driver model and the improved security infrastructure; Vista, like NT, came out before hardware was commonly available that could run it)

    Anchoring the bottom

    • 98 & ME (IE integrated everywhere and the security nightmare it begat deserves a special place in hell)
    • 1.0 (you had to be there, but this thing made Atari TOS look sophisticated)
    • 95 pre-OSR2 (VxDs, DLLs and a login screen you could bypass with an escape key!)
    • NT4 (it wasn’t bad, per se, but I still resent how unstable it was versus 3.5)
    • CE and pre-5.0 Mobile (hey, guess what, replacing your battery wipes your device because we didn’t implement persistent storage!)
    • 11 (10 without most of the redeeming features, plus an Android launcher for a Start menu. Now with extra spyware!)

    A lot of people really like 7 and 2000, but I tend to think of those as polish releases of Vista and NT4. They’re Microsoft eventually fixing their mistakes, after having everyone drag on them for years.