• 15 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I’m curious about what do you mean by “cheapest options”. Do you remember how much you were paying then?

    IIRC, StackOverflow Careers kind of established the price per posting around $300. After they came up every other job posting site was charging around that.

    For CareerCupid, I want to make a single flat rate of $89/month and let companies make as many job listings as they want. I think that the value for a company should not be in charging per posted job, but to give them access to the whole database in a way that can help them make hiring decisions directly.

    I get why they resorted to buying all this AI fuckery to try to more aggressively filter resumes.

    I get it as well, but I think that this “send us your resume” and we will judge you based on it is such an outdated concept we could get rid of it entirely.

    Imagine if we got something like Wikidata applied to the “professional social network” graph of the whole world. If “let’s set out to build a map of all the ~2 billion people who are economically active” was somewhat impossible to think about 20 years ago, today it’s the kind of project that can be easily managed on modest infrastructure.

  • I completely agree.

    (I want to try something different here. Instead of a fully fleshed out post, I’d like to just start with a draft of some ideas and I hope that it is enough to generate a conversation. I’ll take the relevant responses and use them to keep improving this article)

    But if you were so eager to give feedback, perhaps you could’ve started with something more productive than yet-another smutty comment that serves only to make you feel better than the plebs who use and get any value out of ChatGPT?

  • My suggestions were to organize with the sports comms (collaborate to make sure it works for them), or potentially create a dedicated comm for all the mirrored stuff. I think picking and choosing what to mirror would also be a great idea.

    All of that was done already when I was mirroring the alien.top accounts, and people still complained, and we were here spending a good hour arguing over that whether their complaints are legitimate or not.

  • If what you personally wanna do makes half the site unhappy (…)

    You are looking at half of the people on the site (~25k) What about the the other 99.96% (75 million) of people still on Reddit who won’t leave because Reddit has kept a choke-hold on the communities and monopolized the content?

    You are treating this as a static system. There are second-order effects.

    but I’m not getting the impression you’re able to empathize with anyone else’s perspective.

    I don’t get the impression you care what my perspective,

    It’s not a matter of caring/not caring. It’s about accepting that this is an issue with conflicting interests. I am asking about how we can do this in a way that minimizes these conflicts while increasing/keep the upside (for the many) and minimizing the downside (for the few), but you are appealing to thought-terminating accusations (“you are not showing empathy”) instead of looking for a compromise that can make everyone happy.