Did the world already not know that Trump is an idiot?
Did the world already not know that Trump is an idiot?
It’s true, I have no idea what actually happens to my recycling after it’s picked up, but I guess I can hope…
Do most people not recycle cans?
The person you’re responding to is not actual literal Sherlock Holmes, FYI.
I’m not an expert, but it sounds comparable.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could say the same about every other person in the news?
No, the word is DEI now.
Quality editing.
Would have been cool if they rallied in early November.
So Wikler had all the big party names endorse him along with union endorsements and he still lost? I don’t know anything about Martin but I did like Wikler and had the hope that he could bring some sense to the party leadership.
Please follow her around and keep asking her about J6.
It took me about 40 seconds to load this comment section, then I cleared the cache as you suggested and it feels like modern internet again. Crazy. It was sitting at 2.1 GB stored for the site.
That was quick.
I think in some small capacity, but it was mainly bullshit like everything else he says.
People already answered your question but I just wanted to chime in and say your English is probably better than most native speakers.
Kind of weird that he would actually follow up with that promise. I guess someone on his team remembered.
His puns weren’t even good. And he probably stole them anyway.
This article was literally about American politics and how it affected the Israel-Palestine situation.
Yeah, facebook started as just college students and built from there. It wasn’t always every boomer and every other boomer they knew back in elementary school.
Advertising is one of the four fundamental forces of the universe. Once you start charging for ads, you can basically shape the universe to your will.