I admin the.coolest.zone, the coolest site on the net for online social engagement.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • As we’ve been tracking, Google is now beginning to roll out “Profile discovery” in Messages for Android to establish your name and photo across the RCS app and others.

    This is part of “Profile discovery,” which appears in Messages Settings > Advanced once rolled out to your phone. It is a Google Account-level setting that you can turn on/off. Google notes what phone number is associated with your name and profile image, with the ability to change things.

    Ok, so good things:

    • I’m glad it’s not auto-pulling from your Google profile, because you may not want that data actually visible to everyone who has your phone number.
    • I guess it makes it more like iMessage which is cool (?)


    • So our text messages (which, I know RCS technically isn’t but for all intents and purposes it is a replacement and serves the same purpose) are becoming more chat-like.
    • At the same time, Google has made Google Chat more like Messages, visually.
    • If the intent is to eventually combine the two, the advantage is that Google has a stronger and more unified messaging platform, but the downside is Google’s RCS implementation is even more customized to the point it’s harder for others to hop on.
    • If the intent is not to combine the two, I don’t see why making them look almost identical and yet having two separate apps is at all a good thing for Google. Their user base remains fragmented.

    Hopefully this is some secret ongoing messaging solution cleanup plan by Google. I won’t hold my breath, but a small part of me still longs for the return of a Hangouts-esque combined system.

  • Azure AD is now Entra ID. Please do not deadname the Microsoft cloud offering (even if we all think it chose kind of a dumb sounding new name 🤫).

    And Microsoft is heavily pushing their cloud services of course, but you can still set up on-prem AD as an option as well as other on-prem services.

    It’s just that all their cross service interoperability stuff won’t work as well if it’s not all in the cloud. Like, all their stuff is designed to work together in the cloud and keep you entrenched in the ecosystem, like any company I guess, except I actually like using Teams/Office/SharePoint combo, it’s executed well.

  • So… let me get this straight. Google sucks and Pixels are only sold in some countries, so their solution is to reduce Fitbit devices to those same countries?

    This is foreboding. Could this be the start of either a rebrand of Fitbit or, worse, a culling of the line in favor of Pixel smartwatches?

    Google, I swear if you fuck with my Fitbit I’m adding it to The List (right under Play Music and Inbox). I don’t want a smartwatch, I never wanted a smartwatch. I want my compact little step tracker that gives me a ton of metrics data.

  • Cobbling together data from a couple sources…

    Install each bulb, and toggle it on/off five times with the wall switch. Make sure to wait 10 seconds between each toggle. (Edit: like on for ten, then off for a couple seconds, repeat)

    Unsure whether there’s any visual feedback once this process is complete - I would assume it may go into some pairing indication mode like a dim/brighten cycle to indicate it’s ready to pair.

  • The thing about the jpg ones is that the jpgs can’t be stored in the blockchain, so what is actually stored is a URL to some server (and that URL endpoint could be redirected elsewhere, the server could go offline, etc).

    The other major use case I see touted is “own your game objects and bring your objects to different games” but 1) why would a company spend resources supporting an object they did not sell you and 2) could this not be handled more simply on e.g. Steam? (yes, locked into a service, but that’s just the way the industry is and I don’t see why it’s worth the time and effort for them to change that)

    I do see how potentially a blockchain that stored actual data, e.g. some JSON, could be of more use. However, I struggle to find cases where just a regular database wouldn’t be more practical. I guess it would be limited to cases where auditability and visibility of changes are topmost concerns, and where it’s important that anyone can have a local backup copy at any time.

    If you have some examples of where this technology could be one of the best solutions, I’d love to hear them. The blockchain does fascinate me but I feel like it’s often a solution in search of a problem rather than the other way around.

  • Couple points:

    The issue isn’t “net neutrality.” The issue isn’t even about an “open internet.” The issue that is once again before the FCC is whether those that run the most powerful and pervasive platform in the history of the planet will be accountable for behaving in a “just and reasonable” manner.

    Absolutely true. The Internet is essentially a basic utility at this point and those managing it should have accountability, like other basic services, like water… I’d say “or electricity” but I live in PG&E territory…

    Second point:

    Mischaracterizing net neutrality as “blocking, throttling, and paid prioritization” also creates an opening for ISPs to proclaim they are now against such practices. “We do not block, slow down or discriminate against lawful content,” Comcast’s web page proclaims.

    This is disingenuous on so many fucking levels. Sure, Comcast doesn’t slow anything down anymore, but they do offer the Peacock streaming service for free on certain tiers, which naturally incentivizes you towards watching those shows rather than paying for a second service. T-Mobile used to do the same thing with Netflix, I remember. This is still a violation.

    Anyway, once the FCC does its best to keep the Internet from being a shithole, who do we yell at until it’s considered actually a basic utility and prices come down and it’s available to literally all Americans?

  • It probably won’t make you ill immediately, more likely the texture or flavor would begin to suffer first (hence “best by” rather than “expiration” date). Keeping it stored properly (i.e. not an open bag but something sealed) would likely allow it to last longer.

    You should probably not eat 3.5lb of candy within 10 days unless you are trying to make your intestines suffer, but if you choose to binge please update us as to the state of your health so that you may be used as a cautionary tale.

  • ryan@the.coolest.zonetoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    All of these are excellent points and I’ll also note (to the OP) that the US has one of the lowest voter turnout rates in the world. In some states, like California, we all get Vote by Mail ballots and so basically everyone can easily vote if they want to. In other states, they’ve gone as far as making sure counties with primarily minority populations only get one polling station, open for like 10 hours during the actual election day (Tuesday), and of course election day isn’t a work holiday. Think of how that skews the actual voter demographics. That’s why we’re recently* so close to fascist takeovers, the people who actually genuinely need help from the government are effectively unable to participate in the election process so that they can vote for a government that will help them, because they’re busy working, or they don’t have a car to get to the singular polling location, or there’s no way they can get childcare while they stand in line for hours.

    Edit: changed always to recently – my brain has been skewed by the recency of the Reagan era onwards, but yeah it hasn’t always been this way, whoops