Same here in the UK. Shops and such had hand sanitizer instead.
Same here in the UK. Shops and such had hand sanitizer instead.
Would love to see a graph, the annual amount probably increased exponentially.
I honestly sometimes wish I wouldn’t experience dreams. Most of them are bad, and the few good ones usually make me yearn for something I don’t and can’t have.
You can’t make this shit up lmao.
Jokes? In my Lemmy community? >:(
Looks like a giant metal mug.
Me every time I try cooking.
Only a percentage of everything you put in your recycling bin actually ends up being recycled, so the percentage that doesn’t can end up god knows where.
All two letter domains are country-code domains.
How I wish it were that easy to sleep.
In vanilla Skyrim there’s a sort of feedback loop you can perform with the game’s alchemy and enchantment systems, allowing you to get enchantments like this.
He’s a politician, so it goes without saying.
It’s targeted towards kids, and parents who don’t know any better get it for them.
How shocking.
Depends on the flavour of autism, I guess. My partner’s autistic and can remember some things pretty well, but struggles a lot with others.
But hey, at least the kids won’t think it’s safe for frogs to eat fireflies.
The issue is that when I have a lot of good energy it means I’m actually able to do, and enjoy, fun things, where normally I might be unable.