There are groups that can help. Which is good as I can relate to that kind of thing.
It’s nice to meet all you. I am she/her, can speak Toki Pona and English (non-natively), and locatable on Reddit as MozartWasARed. The links at https://discord.gg/sEuSSDz6TQ and https://www.deviantart.com/triagonal/art/My-copyright-policy-and-the-impact-it-extends-into-906668443 are pertinent to me.
There are groups that can help. Which is good as I can relate to that kind of thing.
It was still bloodless and is one of a few examples.
I didn’t actually “see” this happen, but I did experience it, and there are a few people who know this story.
I came across someone who had prepared to do a large search around a large wooded area I had access to. I came up to him about it, and he said the family had lost a dog and was going to find it, and I offered to help. The wooded area was something like a park and had a lot of twists and turns, a lot of weird divergences and convergences. We were to call or text each other if we found the dog.
At one point, we came across one of the last places we could possibly look. One part of the path forked in one direction and the other in another direction. I took the path on the right and he took the path on the left. Part way down my path, I got a text saying he found the dog, and I thought it was a time for joy and was like “oh good”. Not ten seconds later, I heard what sounded like one of the most agonizing screams I ever heard. Naturally I was startled, and it turned out the dog had rabies and it was in the active stages. I still don’t know how the man is doing now or even if he made it.
If another example of something horrific is desired, there is probably something even more horrific than that hiding under everyone’s nose here. I have two friends, which I call my best friends and which are the only two people I can call friends in every sense of the word, and they are avid spelunkers (the term for cave exploring, both the supervised, regulated kind and the spontaneous kind), a hobby which I mention often was taught to them by my grandfather but which I could never get into (though they have achieved a few world records with their exploration). Some crazy shit happens in cave environments, and a massive amount of complaints have piled up regarding how many of the individuals who need rescuing (both the successfully rescued and supposedly the unrescued) end up saying the last two people they saw are the two best friends of mine (who are spoken of as potentially lured certain circumstances in motion, sometimes with everyone indirectly knowing each other somehow), with the friends on the other hand never having ever needed any kind of external help for anything. They aren’t said to have broken any rules in of themselves, but the idea all these people have all these tragedies they could even cite (which they then associate with my friends, as well as saying theft have also occurred) is scary to think about. Like imagine, from their point of view, witnessing the end results of so many tragedies in full horror, and somehow the thought comes to mind that none of it is an accident.
Sorry about that. I couldn’t imagine what that is like.
Never be afraid of being abrupt with something you want to get off your chest.
I need silence to read, or at least consistent noise, like the sound of a vent. The same applies if I’m trying to sleep. My mind isn’t very vivid, so I guess speech overrides it easily.
The Glorious Revolution by the Dutch comes to mind.
Rule of thumb when it comes to combating conflict is to be as minimalist as possible. There have been conquests in history that occurred without a single drop of blood shed, surely that’s not beyond modern rebels. The first people to go extreme lengths come off as needy, if you know what I mean.
There are several other things left. The issue is a lot of people think harder not smarter.
Yeah, I get that sometimes. And very strongly when I do. More than once I’ve even found myself called out for self-absorption simply because I pushed back against being attacked by others. And their defense is always to go figure it all out on one’s own as if that’s not what conversation is for.
What are the biggest unsung signs you see?
Can relate to all three of these.
Same. I am what many would class as selectively mute (something which for some reason people think is difficult to take one’s word for), based on the inability to calculate things to say in a conversation (which also goes with trying to vocally/verbally train myself) but also based on anxiety, and even in school, people would look and think “oh she must be an introvert” which greatly reduced my ability to make friends.
One of my two best friends has autism (closer to the classic kind) and his resistance is impressive. One day he got poison ivy after having run through a whole patch of it in sandals, and everyone wanted to get him treated, but he was like “nah I got this”. Looking at him, you’d think maybe it was fake poison ivy, as he made it seem like there was no pain or itchiness whatsoever despite his legs looking like raspberries. After a few weeks, it went away completely on its own.
I’m always surprised to see people assume things when it comes to health; that’s one of the last areas of expertise one should be assuming things in. I have a few medical conditions and they’re all things people say they have a hard time believing, even though it’s not saying much when even asexuality is met with skeptical reactions.
I would never assume you are fake. It would be premature if based on just my own trained expectations. Though… I am impressed to find a drug user whom it doesn’t develop into a dependence over, having done that only once.
Why do you despise us :(
There must be some way to get on your good side.
Nero had people sit in the audience and purposefully laugh and do other reactions on cue. He was the first to do this as a routine, which turned into the practice we know today. Maybe it’s the use of the word “track”; I did not mean the device.
It’s surprising what people these days will call fascism if not going by what someone thinks. That sounds virtually the exact opposite of that.
Truth be told, I think I would be a very close call to the “social democracy” umbrella, if I was to be called anything.
The concept did not require recorded sound. Like why put in a source if nobody is going to use it, especially when it’s the one named for the Today I Learned community?
He invented the concept.
It depends on how long you wait and where you are bitten. The further a bite is from the brain, the longer you have to live, and the larger a mammal is, the longer it takes for the rabies to develop (so, for example, a whale bitten on the tail will take almost a decade for the rabies to develop and kill it).
However, even then, the shots aren’t just a one-time ordeal. You need to find a way to get a shot a day for I think twenty or so days before the rabies affects the brain. Remember that these are vaccines. There are no cures, you can only race against time to prevent it (or you can vaccinate yourself before there is any reason to fear, which is common in certain occupations).
Unless your circumstances are generous, like if you got bitten in a lucky spot with a lenient amount of rabies and then rushed immediately to the hospital, your chances of surviving are next to zero. The reason bat bites mean certain death is because they always bite on the neck, with people who don’t know the signature thorn-like feeling of a bat bite not realizing they were bitten fast enough to react in time (so yeah, if you feel a thorny sensation while walking at night, call someone immediately).