“There’s no point living, so you may as well die” is so last decade. “There’s no point dying, so you may as well live” is where it’s at
He/Him Jack of all trades, master of none
Proudly banned from lemmy.ml for being critical of the CCP
“There’s no point living, so you may as well die” is so last decade. “There’s no point dying, so you may as well live” is where it’s at
Yes, the most that carbon capture can do is temporarily slow down climate change. It turns out the only way you can stop getting carbon from outside the carbon cycle into the carbon cycle is to stop taking carbon from outside the carbon cycle and putting it into the carbon cycle.
But the problem with oil is that it’s really good, and it does a lot of stuff really well
If you can find a more efficient, less expensive way to physically sequester carbon from the atmosphere than letting forests grow, I’m sure there’s a lot of awards you could win
A dragon has been attacking trains going into and out of a mining city. The party has been hired to deal with it. They planned on taking an empty train out of the city, hoping to lure the dragon into a fight. I was thinking it would be cool, an epic dragon fight on a train. “Hey, this is a mining town. They have explosives right? Can we borrow some?” Roll for persuasion. DC20 persuasion check, passed.
I don’t have the math on me anymore, but I spent a couple minutes working out how much damage the dragon would take based on how much blasting powder they had, and how close the dragon was before it ignited it, and it was just enough damage to bring the dragon down to like 20 HP
I realized later on that I forgot to convert pounds to kilograms, so it should have still had closer to half its health, but whatever. The idea of a dragon basically killing itself by accidentally blowing up a train car full of blasting powder is sick as hell
It depends on where you live. Some regions have a limited list of acceptable names, some places just have limited lists of unacceptable names, but I can’t find anywhere that explicitly bans Null.
It does suck to be named Null, though. It’s like two steps down from not being given a social security number as an infant
The Perfect Suicide
Backpack full of C4 blows up while skydiving over the ocean? Nice
Also why he couldn’t kill Columbo
Yeah but I’m also pretty sure Gandalf was down with killing Sauron
RIP DJ Vance, poor innocent bystander got got for no reason
I think it would be a pretty strong message if Trump’s plane crashed as a direct result of his attacks on DEI stuff
I wonder how many names you have to write before you’re at the top of the psychopathic killer list
Watch Death Note, and do whatever the main character doesn’t because I’m pretty sure he gets caught
The fact that he even tried it should be grounds for removal from office. He swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, and he has blatantly and openly violated it
The "science"tists keep changing their story. First it’s flat, then it’s a sphere, then it’s an obligatory spherical, then it’s a pear
You know who hasn’t changed their story? The ancient peoples who didn’t have accurate maps. They’ve maintained the flatness of the earth for thousands of years, so it must be the right answer
My favorite proof, and really it’s the reason I don’t argue with flat earthers anymore. The fact that the sky appears to rotate about two points opposite each other in the sky is unassailable proof that the Earth is round. If someone is willing to just ignore that, there’s literally no point talking to them about anything
Eratosthenes’ experiment could just as easily prove a smaller, closer sun
The best proof is that you can look at the Sun and the moon with your eyes (maybe use a filter for the sun) and see them not change size throughout their path along the sky, which proves that they aren’t getting appreciably closer or farther
I mean you can check my math, I just added up all the births per year in this article
Rounding to one significant figure, it’s 311.9 million people born in the US between 1933 and 2018. Adding an average of 4 million births per year since then, it’s 335.9. I rounded up to 350 to bring it to a nice round number
A bit of research tells me that around 44.8 million of us are first generation immigrants, so 291.1 million were born here. Is it reasonable to assume that 291.1 out of the 335.9 million people born since 1933 have survived so far? I have absolutely no idea, I’m not a professional census taker
I don’t think we’ve gone through 999 million options yet. Only about 350 million people have been born since 1933, so even if we add all 127 million US citizens alive in 1935, that’s just over half of the possible social security numbers.
The reason we’ve likely reused numbers is because they weren’t randomly assigned until like 2011. Knowing that I was born in 1995 in Wichita, KS, you could make an educated guess at the first three digits of my SSN
Yuuup. Or they’ll remove “problematic” storylines. Part of why it’s not only morally justified, but morally imperative to pirate your favorite shows. Won’t be long before Disney is erasing all the gays from all the shows because the current administration wants them to
Jerboa. It’s not the most functional but it reminds me of RIF the most.
I switch to Sync any time I need to use the search function