Hell yes. Decades of tinnitus gone? Sign me up.
Hell yes. Decades of tinnitus gone? Sign me up.
Please do not misunderstand my question, I’m not judging whatsoever but I’m genuinely curious what the appeal is of this game. I bought it when I came out, I recently redownloaded it, I played for probably 20 hours total and I just don’t get it. Is it the absurdity? I want to love it I just don’t understand it. I’ve been meaning to ask in the Discords but I’m a bit of a coward.
An old wizard who’s on a quest to re-learn all of his spells. If the DM allowed for it, he’s accomplished it several times but has a Sisyphus curse to lose his memory and start from level 1 again when he finally gets his memory back. Maybe he finds a way out, maybe he doesn’t but I’d like to play that sometime. Buuut that requires friends and time and I’m a middle aged dad of 3 lmao
I went all out and sold my PS5, bought a guitar and have been teaching myself how to play. I feel awkward because I didn’t just move to Lenny but now I can play dope ass riffs.
We did that at our lunch hour in high school. We had a super strategic friend that took the entire lunch hour. That pass-around mode was peak early 2000’s multiplayer.