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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • If you have a CDL there is a federal database that tracks drug and alcohol offenses that had become mandatory to enroll in for most jobs in the industry.

    Why don’t we have something like that for cops?

    Maybe it tracks reports of discipline and can be used by the public to file complaints with police departments.

    I know something like this is talked about a lot but we already built something similar for truckers. There are 1.36 million CDL holders and 708,000 cops. Seems like it’d be pretty easy to copy their homework.

  • This is it right here. I am a trans person and I actually like both the enderverse and harry potter and I’m not a fan of either author. But I can say I like the enderverse without any shame or self loathing because Card doesn’t appear to speak about his shitty views unless directly asked.

    Now with Joanne on the other hand… Well, fuck her and her IP and everything else she might ever do. She is a billionaire and like Musk just can’t be happy with that and shut the fuck up. I get it you foul bitch, you hate me and that I exist, now go buy a fucking yacht and let me struggle to pay rent, buy food, and simply live in peace. All I have ever done to that self righteous cunt is buy her books and yet she feels the need to denigrate me and my existence and espouse hate directed toward me every chance she gets. Just stfu Joanne, you’ve won the game you never have to worry about having your basic needs met ever again. You’ve won. Now go the fuck away.

    Basically I can put blinders on and still enjoy the enderverse and shadows, but I can’t do that with Joanne. Harry Potter will never hold the same place in my heart as it once did. I cannot read it anymore without feeling gross and disgusted with myself for enjoying anything this foul human has produced.

  • I finally deleted Twitter from my phone a couple weeks ago.

    I only used it for porn for the last 3 years and hadn’t been on in over a month but I saw an article on here and was curious. So I opened it up and looked to see how the porn situation was going. I was going to keep it around if I could find a bit of good porn. But I scrolled and scrolled down through my feed and I only had politics, bigots, ragebait, and hateporn. I hadn’t realized it had gotten so bad… I also have no idea where all my porn creators fled to.

    Oh well, nothing of value was lost.

  • I just bought 4 hard drives. They are the most cutest effective way of storing data for most people. I’m pretty sure tape is more expensive, if it’s not there are other issues like sequentially written data. Anyway, this is a dumb example and I don’t expect old reddit to last.

  • I have to admit, I’ve not seen the videos in question here but FriendlyJordies had been putting it videos talking about and exposing corruption in Australian and NSW governments. Even having his house fire bombed over exposing some of this corruption. I think I saw a video talking about this case from him and I have to admit I’ve never heard the term “wog” before and it doesn’t look or sound like much… But that’s part of the insidiousness of a slur. Jordies videos have targeted individual politician in the past and I believe this guy in particular because of their corrupt dealings and or ties to the mafia and or general anti-citizen/anti-poor policies.

    From what I’ve seen of Jordies, I would assume he either believed that this politician way forfeited his right to feel bad about the names he’s called, kind of like Trump here in the States, or just didn’t understand how much emotional damage he was causing. I’m not saying this makes it right but there is likely more to the story than what has been brought up in the court case. I think Australia has some laws about speaking civilly about public figures and it looks like he ran afoul of those laws.