• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Ehhh, I’d argue the exact opposite. The people at the top hoarding so much wealth are arguably the worst capitalists. Capitalism demands cash flow, and the more the better. Few people hoarding and controlling so much of it is breaking it.

    I always love to point to healthcare. Between my portion and my employer my health insurance is over $15000 for my family. Yet I have a $5000 deductible still. Imagine if all that money that my employer is paying me I was actually getting. Then apply that to every family. But instead, a few companies make all the money off that. The problem is healthcare shouldn’t be a business, but a public service just like police, firefighters, roads, etc. In an emergency I’m not going to shop hospitals, and in non emergency I don’t have a choice anyway, my insurance company decides that.

    It’s the most broken system and everyone at the top is making too much money from it that it will never change until it gets so bad for the middle class it somehow starts bringing them down

  • So are we talking politicians or are we talking regular citizens? Because there’s a big difference.

    I read somewhere that over 80% of Americans were against the total abortion ban, for example. Another is an overwhelmingly majority of the country thinks career politicians are a bad idea, yet neither party does.

    The problem is not the average American’s views. Very few are extreme. The problem is our politicians are progressively more extreme.

    Most people vote Democrat or Republican and are biased one way or the other. If you want to commit career suicide as a politician, do anything that alienated the party you are closer aligned with. I hear people all the time, whether they voted Democrat or Republican, say aiming along the lines of “I don’t agree with a lot of things about (who they voted for) , but it’s better than the alternative!”

    And that, in a nutshell, is why career politicians are killing the US.

  • Eh…

    So while I do agree the extremism is much more dangerous on the right than it is the left… 99% of people don’t fall into these extreme groups anyway.

    Maybe that’s just my world view but that’s how it is with people I know/have met in real life.

    Both sides argue as if the entire other side is all extremists but the reality is most people fall somewhere in the middle, especially people younger than 50

  • This comment section is a riot.

    So if someone truly has values that fall on both sides of the aisle, and can tell you what they don’t agree with on both sides, and can admit fault to each side… that makes them Republican?

    I’d rather take someone any day that will take a stance on individual issues over just agreeing with what a specific political party says.

    Everyone saying in this comment section that you aren’t strictly a Democrat you’re wrong/the problem… are indeed themselves the problem and are kidding themselves.

  • My time on Reddit died simultaneously with Apollo. I’m doing what I can by not giving that place anymore traffic from me.

    Found out about Lemmy yesterday. While it’s not there with niche interests at this point, it definitely cures the itch.

    You want to stick it to the man? Quit going there altogether people!