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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • It seriously saddens me how much 25 years of GOP propaganda against the Clintons has turned reasonable people among Democrats and those further to the left into parrots that try to pin everything on Hillary or Bill.

    There are legitimate criticisms of The Clintons. But they are way less involved than people give them credit for.

    To your comment, I have seen no mention of Hillary - then Secretary of State dealing with multiple conflicts - having any involvement in ACA. She had plenty other work. And there were other key advisors Obama picked that were the actually directly tasked with putting together ACA and making it pass.

  • We will never know what these 2 Swedes did or did not do. Likely nothing. That is how terrorism work. But perhaps they picked a fight and lost. Either way. Not the point here.

    EDIT: I need to stay more on top of my news. Seems the perp released some statement about wanting to commit an act. So yeah. They likely did absolutely nothing. But you know why is Sweden in the crosshairs of extremist Muslims? Because of an Extremist Dane/Swede Rasmus Paludan that has been harassing Swedish and Danish Muslims with impunity under “freedom of expression” rules. This is the very definition of symbiosis. All the extremists Muslim organizations fed like mad off of Paludan. What do you think Paludan supported are doing right now!? Feeding on this energy recruiting. Plotting their next more. END EDIT

    The rest of my pots- you misread not simply ignored. You are ignoring a lot of far right violence to try to make your argument.

    But I still mention your point. The White/European far right does not need random acts of terrorism or violence. They sit in the government. They have way more powerful tools at their disposal.

  • I think there is more to this. In Sweden OK/Q8 their main chain of gas stations is installing chargers at many station and more coming every day.

    Similar in Denmark.

    the business model does seem to own out. Germany sells nearly as many EVs (as a %of all car sales) not sure why the progress is slower in Germany.

    There are some stubborn car/ICE centric cultural and commerce cliques in Germany. Perhaps this is a response to them? But I feel there is more to it than meets the eye.