☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

  • 47 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 30th, 2020


  • It’s funny how you always jump to everyone being racist. Project much? You should be better than that.

    Not everyone, just actual racists saying racist things the way you are.

    The fact you consider the Chinese primitive barbarians is pretty telling on your racism.

    I’m not the one claiming that China isn’t able to make a working spy balloon or that it has to steal tech from the west. You’re the one saying these things.

    Personally, I’d think a high tech solution that you might believe is undetectable would be a fantastic way to gather information, since satellites tend to travel in known trajectories so you can cover up anything interesting when you know they’ll be in the sky. You really need to check that racism there.

    A weather balloon is not an undetectable solution for gathering information. It’s also pretty clear that the balloon is very easily detectable given that it was tracked all the way. Love how you’re just making up nonsense here as usual.

    Nope, not acting smug, just trying to help you understand that you misread the article.

    Nope, I’m just dealing with the actual facts that the article reports.

    I get you have problems understanding that, since it doesn’t fit your narrative. I’m just trying to help you.

    I have no problem understanding the fact that US military has not been able to produce any evidence to support the spy balloon conspiracy theory. You are though.

    It’s funny how you think you’re in position to help anyone when you can’t even able to separate factual information from the narrative. Sad really.