The majority of Christians in the USA think that the Bible is the complete and inerrant word of God, as written by divinely inspired humans. Just Google up the mission statement for a local mega-church and I’ll bet 50DKP it says something to that effect on their About Us page.
Many, many self-proclaimed Christians in the United States have, at best, cursory Biblical knowledge. Insofar as reading, they may have opened the book in their lives. That does NOT equate to critical analysis, or even perfunctory understanding the contents in even a general sense.
The gospels were not written by the people with their names on them. Part of the problem of just reading the Bible is that it’s incredibly inaccurate. It’s authorship is up to a lot of debate.
I’m just saying that if someone claims the Bible has been written by God Himself then they must not have even looked inside, because the Bible itself assigns clear authorship to each book. I’m not talking about historical accuracy here.
Isn’t that the Torah? The Bible was composed by a council using selected books from the Torah and various writings from the apostles.
The majority of Christians in the USA think that the Bible is the complete and inerrant word of God, as written by divinely inspired humans. Just Google up the mission statement for a local mega-church and I’ll bet 50DKP it says something to that effect on their About Us page.
Oh, the US. In my country all those crazy denominations were just called “sects,” and considered heresy.
Edit: but don’t they read the Bible? It says in there who wrote what.
Many, many self-proclaimed Christians in the United States have, at best, cursory Biblical knowledge. Insofar as reading, they may have opened the book in their lives. That does NOT equate to critical analysis, or even perfunctory understanding the contents in even a general sense.
Most of them don’t know anything veggie tales didn’t tell them.
If this a Poe? I can’t tell. In case it’s not…
The gospels were not written by the people with their names on them. Part of the problem of just reading the Bible is that it’s incredibly inaccurate. It’s authorship is up to a lot of debate.
I’m just saying that if someone claims the Bible has been written by God Himself then they must not have even looked inside, because the Bible itself assigns clear authorship to each book. I’m not talking about historical accuracy here.
How could it be anything else than divinely inspired humans for believers? That seems to be a core belief of every book religion.