Maybe there is a cultural misunderstanding on my side? Where I live, we have so called “medieval markets” which are actually more like a fair than a market and everything there, like market stands and costumes are pretty strictly in medieval style. Those events are very much about diving into another historical era for a few hours. Sure, most of the guests are not in costumes but I imagine having furries and trekkies in costumes there, would impact the overall atmosphere much, much more. I assumed that renaissance faires in America where similar events but I now I wonder if I assumed wrong and maybe they are more like fantasy conventions?
going by your username Im gonna assume youre german. you see all kinds of costumes and clothings at the MPS for example and imho noone is bothered by it
OK then, maybe I am just too much of a purist. However I found this when I made a quick search.
Seit einigen Jahren gibt es allerdings einen Konflikt zwischen zwei Gruppen der kostümierten Marktbesucher. Die einen sind diejenigen, welche sich in fantasievolle bzw. mittelalterlich wirkende „Gewandungen“ jeglicher Art kleiden, die anderen jene, welche auf Authentizität hohen Wert legen. Letztere Gruppe – auch als A-Fraktion bezeichnet (von Authentizität abgeleitet) – kritisiert die Qualität der historischen Darstellung bzw. dass dem Besucher nicht verdeutlicht wird, dass das Dargestellte nicht dem historischen Mittelalter entspricht.
Maybe there is a cultural misunderstanding on my side? Where I live, we have so called “medieval markets” which are actually more like a fair than a market and everything there, like market stands and costumes are pretty strictly in medieval style. Those events are very much about diving into another historical era for a few hours. Sure, most of the guests are not in costumes but I imagine having furries and trekkies in costumes there, would impact the overall atmosphere much, much more. I assumed that renaissance faires in America where similar events but I now I wonder if I assumed wrong and maybe they are more like fantasy conventions?
going by your username Im gonna assume youre german. you see all kinds of costumes and clothings at the MPS for example and imho noone is bothered by it
OK then, maybe I am just too much of a purist. However I found this when I made a quick search.
sounds more like „if you wear a medieval looking costume, do it properly“ tbh
Probably, idk