• ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
    10 months ago


    That’s some crazy shit going on with that drug. I looked it up on Wikipedia just to see what it was, found out it is the 48th most prescribed drug in the US, it is available as generic internationally but not here, and then came across these two tidbits:

    In December 2019, the US FDA approved a generic version of apixaban produced jointly by Mylan and Micro Labs. BMS and Pfizer worked quickly to block generics from being created, and in August 2020, they won a patent infringement lawsuit against Sigmapharm, Sunshine Lake, and Unichem, after previously settling patent cases against 25 other companies. In September 2021, a Federal Circuit Court upheld the ruling. The result is that apixaban generics will most likely not be available in the United States until at least 2026, but possibly 2031.


    Apixaban is one of the ten medications proposed for price negotiations in the US under the Inflation Reduction Act. According to Bristol Myers Squibb the average pay per month per patient for Eliquis is US$55.

    So BMS and Pfizer fucked the entire country out of already approved generics, was upheld by a federal circuit court, and multiple people in different places are shitting gold coins if BMS/Pfizer is charging $55 (for a drug that likely costs maybe 1/10th of that to make, just going by the fact that multiple chemically successful generics have been produced) AND your insured price is $275.

    So let’s see: BMS and Pfizer is making cash on the federally guaranteed twelve-year monopoly extension, and your insurance company and/or pharmacy is making full hog on that $275, while the uninsured pay roughly DOUBLE that, $600 for 60 tabs (1 month supply).

    All I can say is that that’s just far too many different ways for any one situation in life to be that fucked up. No wonder you’re tired, anyone would be. May BMS and Pfizer board members, and their paid lackeys in the courts, all have futures that involve crotch rot that burns with the fire of a thousand suns, and may your heart surgery go wonderfully well.