• HomerianSymphony@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I’m sure Biden feels fucking awful about what’s going on.

    I think he fuckin’ loves it, because he’s a racist piece of shit. He thinks brown people are supposed to submit to their white colonial overloads, and the Palestinians are getting what they deserve for being troublemakers.

    He’s from a generation where that was almost universally believed. He probably hates that he has to pretend he believes otherwise.

    Unfortunately a psychopath that we have little control over is in charge of Israel. Until something can be done about him. America has to play nice.

    Biden is HELPING Israel commit genocide. Biden is using his UN Security Council veto to prevent the UN from acting against Israel. He is sending Israel munitions and billions of dollars.

    Biden is not a bystander. He is an active and enthusiastic participant.

    Edit: And the Democrats all suck for acting as if what Joe Biden is doing is normal. The Democrats, as a party, don’t deserve to exist anymore. If Trump weren’t a fascist, I wouldn’t be considering voting for the Democrats at all.