While some fans loved this unabashed display of French camp and kitsch, others — particularly those who espouse conservative or Christian beliefs — were not happy with it.
I haven’t committed terrorism, I don’t plan on committing terrorism, I don’t support committing terrorism, so I won’t defend those who are committing terrorism. And you’re right, it is a worse reason.
But only against christians, no othetlr religion or lack thereof.
And we aren’t the ones beheading teachers and shooting up art studios
No, you’re just the ones producing most of the stochastic terrorism in the US
The Bible doesn’t say to commit terrorism.
And yet Christians keep doing it in the name of their god
So you guys just do it for fun, then?
That’s a worse reason, you do understand that?
I haven’t committed terrorism, I don’t plan on committing terrorism, I don’t support committing terrorism, so I won’t defend those who are committing terrorism. And you’re right, it is a worse reason.
Yes, because condemning terrorism is also terrorism. Do you guys even hear yourself?
That’s because other religions are minorities in the West and get too much hate and vitriol as it is.
Isnt the olympics about unity? If you have to single out a group to make fun of, maybe you shouldnt
Really? They fully declared the performance was unquestionably for Christians? Not everything in the world is about Jesus.
It was literally the Last Supper. I dont know how much more christian specific you can get
Rejecting your religion’s bigotry is not “singling you out”.