As we start the new year what are you hoping for in the Linux ecosystem?

    2 months ago

    In no particular order:

    • PikaOS 5. I want to see this project flourish, and I think they bring some much-need UX innovations to certain GUI tools (their system update interface is the best I’ve seen so far). I also love that they’ve dumped Ubuntu in order to do the CachyOS optimization thing upon a Debian base while still keeping everything bleeding edge.

    • Improved default keyring services in KDE. kwallet is kinda messy, and some people have pointed out that their use of blowfish is behind current best practices. On the flipside, using PGP means entering your password twice to unlock your keyring, so the experience is just not great out of the box.

      • I’m aware you can use third party tools like KeePass, but a user should not have to use something else to get a good experience.
    • Total Linux desktop share at 3%.

    • More/Frequent upstream gaming improvements from the Valve x Arch joint effort.

    • Nvidia integration parity with AMD

    • Open source Nvidia driver (as long as we’re wishing)