More concerning than Bethesda’s decision to withhold early review codes from certain outlets is how heavily some sites are relying on the game to drive their business.

    2 years ago

    I can understand the link between seamless exteriors and the equivalent of what that would mean in the context of a space game for Bethesda, but the technological implications of having a galactic system flight mode and seamless planet to space transitions are both completely new ideas to Bethesda and are also technically complex to implement in a game already knee deep in new tech and systems only from what we’d been shown.

    There’s a reason things like seamless planet transitions are only something you might be able to expect in recent years. While Bethesda could totally make that happen, it’s not where I’d expect them to put their money, or they’d have probably dropped a line showing it off in the pre release footage.

    At once, I understand why you might’ve expected that, but expecting anything not explicitly shown is never a good idea when it comes to tempering expectations.