• Stamets@startrek.websiteOP
    1 year ago

    I had typed up a whole answer to this and then accidentally deleted it. That’s fun. At any rate…

    Neither the breath-print or the SQL lines are legitimate complaints or examples of what I was looking for. Originally. Before you shifted the window to an entirely different argument. I could go into detail about how it DOES work in lore (and I probably will at the end of this comment) but what you need to do is realize you’re biased. You don’t know anything about the security protocols of a 23rd Century Starfleet Vessel during a war. You are making wild assumptions based off of experiences that you’ve had with shows that take place AFTER the event in question. You have nothing in canon or lore that you can point to and say “This is why that doesn’t make sense.”

    This is what I mean. You people constantly complain saying that it doesn’t make sense but it does. There’s nothing in lore saying that it doesn’t make sense. It’s YOU saying that it doesn’t make sense based off of your own understanding that you’ve come to. You are making assumptions based off of the information we’ve been given thus far and then taking it as utter gospel. When something new comes in you refuse to give it the same benefit of the doubt that you give to the old tech. Despite the fact that the old tech breaks it’s own rules constantly. You can’t transport through shields except when you can. Ships can detect phaser fire on board except when they can’t. 2000 lightyears can be traveled in a couple of days in TOS except when it can’t in TNG or Voyager. The size of the galaxy changed. Trill changed. Klingons changed. Vulcans changed. Romulan cloaking tech was all over the place. Star Trek is a show of wild inconsistencies and I think it’s pretty shitty of you guys to hyper focus on the new shows while ignoring the exact same sins the old shows have.

    And I said how the breath print or SQL would make sense so here goes.

    The Discovery was a ship with extremely classified materials and tech. At the time, it was the highest priority of Starfleet that the Spore Drive be completed and working. Ships might have normal sensors and security protocols, sure, but it also makes sense that those same protocols would be heightened. Or that entirely new ones would be made in an attempt to bypass Klingon interference. Enter the breath print. Can it be overrided? Yes. Can the sensors be overrided? Yes. Overriding both, however, is more difficult. This is why there are redundancies in all security. Why you seem to think that would just say “Nah” to another extra level of security is beyond me. Was it there for a narrative reason? Sure. Does it make sense in universe? Absolutely.

    SQL injections. Well, there’s nothing in lore saying what the operating system of the Discovery is based off of. Or any ship from the 23rd century. SQL was created 40 years ago but it’s still in use today. Who’s to say that it isn’t in the future? How many times have you seen a sci-fi show where new tech is built on the back of old tech and then that old tech is used to undermine the new tech? How many times have there been moments in entertainment where someone is like “Oh we were protecting against the new types of threats because we didn’t think anyone would use the old one”? I can think of a bunch. It’s a pretty common trope. Wouldn’t be even remotely surprising if that’s what happened here with Discovery. Or it could just be that SQL injection has, over the years, drifted into meaning something else. The phrase could have been adopted to mean a certain type of attack but not use SQL specifically. You want to tell me that the English language doesn’t drift and we don’t use analogies/similes/comparisons that aren’t common in day to day life anymore?

    Like I said. This is fucking exhausting. You don’t know everything dude and neither does Star Trek. They’re kinda making it up as it goes along. The fact that you’re trying to argue that fictional tech doesn’t make sense to your understanding of other fictional tech is ridiculous.