“People said that Mel Gibson couldn’t play a Scotsman in Braveheart. But look at him now! An alcoholic racist.”
- Frankie Boyle
Sounds like a future congressman
I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t run for office now that you mention it.
He was born in Peekskill, New York. He could technically be president. Not to give him any ideas…
What, at the youthful age of 69? Kid needs more experience.
Kid needs more experience.
He’s a wife beater but not a proven rapist (yet)… so ole’ Mel is still a tadpole by US politician standards.
Once upon a time, I would have told you that would be a pipe dream of his. These days?
The USA never had nor caused any problems under the presidency of a former actor, after all.
We need a ROAD WARRIOR to survive this American wasteland.
Joe Rogan would be like the Coma-Doof Warrior. But instead of a guitar shooting flames, he’d have a podcast mic shooting fart gas that he would just yell nonsensical phrases into just to make noise. Well Mel Gibson is driving him around town with a literal horse strapped to the front injected with ivermectin and main lined into Mel’s veins as a blood bag. The horse would have lines from the Book of Revelation tattooed all over it.Ew.
There still a few years until the apocalypse is really in full swing.
Mel Gibson is the kind of “Christian” that has a meltdown if anybody dares to point out that Jesus most likely didn’t have blonde hair and blue eyes.
Or any of the leftist ideas their savior was putting forward.
Roughly 2000 years after someone was nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be if we were nice to each other for a change.
- Douglas Addams
Jesus: You should sell all your possessions.
Christians: Well when Jesus spoke about the eye of a needle what he really meant was…
They should tell more stories of entitled spiteful dick Jesus.
Like the time he cursed a fig tree because it didn’t have figs for him to eat, because it was out of season.
Dude goes to a ‘catholic’ church that he fully funds himself as he’s deeply against Vatican II, and the pope.
I’m pretty sure Joe Rogan and Mel Gibson believe that those massive fires are caused by liberal CA government.
Actually the line is DEI is what caused the massive fires.
The fire marshall or something was LGBTQ.
That’s what my dad told me.
She does not have purple hair and she’s been there for 20+ years, previously holding the position of fire chief. She is well-respected by her peers.
Given the latest episodes of Knowledge Fight, sounds like your dad listens to Alex Jones.
Nope, but close. He’s a Drudge Report reader and a secret Fox watcher (he’ll never admit it but it’s always the last channel on their TV)
Why keep it a secret? Most conservatives are proud to be fucking sheep of Fox.
[edit] sorry if you got multiple notifications. My app was being weird and replying to the wrong comments
Because my mom has a brain and hated Trump before he ran for office. She wasn’t quiet about her opinion and she’d tell at him for watching it.
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If he won’t admit to Fox viewing, why would he admit to AJ listening?
[edit] sorry if you got multiple notifications. My app was being weird and replying to the wrong comments
A lack of tech literacy. It’s not bookmarked (therefore it doesn’t exist to him) and he stopped listening to the radio after Rush Limbaugh went off the air.
If it was obvious he watched Fox even though he “tried” to hide it, why do you think he could keep it secret?
He will defend anyone he likes if I say something shitty about them but he’s never once defended Alex Jones. He never really bought into the extreme conspiracies like false flags or pizza gate, either.
He’s a conflicted man.
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Woman = DEI
Black = DEI
Queer = DEI
Piercings = DEI
Catholic = believe it or not, also DEIDEI is the new “political”.
It’s the new term for woke. Just a general purpose catch all term for anything marginally progressive they don’t like.
Yeah their strategy seems to be sniping out folks at the top (politically speaking) by singling them out & turning the State propaganda machine on full blast, alienating them & forcing them to defend themselves when no one else has the time or energy because, you know, everything is literally on fire.
Pretty gross & probably a preview of the next (at least) 4 years. I hope it fails.
“DEI MADE THE WATER SYSTEM UNABLE KEEP UP” is such an obviously stupid take. There’s not enough water to put the fires out
Maybe they shouldnt have built a gigantic city in the middle of a desert then. Their history with sourcing water is pretty fucked as well:
Last time I looked they were (seriously) blaming Native Americans for the LA fires.
Right, so the liberal government…
Maybe those super secret space laser are real after all.
Liar liar house on fire
In case nobody’s said it yet.
Well done.
- one of his houses.
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As a Jewish person I find that absolutely hilarious. For over two thousand years the foundation of Judaism has been the exact opposite. Nearly everything in the torah has been interpreted, reinterpreted, and then we fight over who has the best interpretations (of course some things can be viewed on a literal level but those are interpreted on multiple other levels as well). Also despite Christians stealing nearly everything from us Hell isn’t one of them, I have no idea where they got that (probrally the pagans).
Did you know as a Jewish person, you are responsible for all the wars in the world? Because Mel seems to think so.
(I’m also Jewish, so I guess I’m also responsible. Must be our space lasers.)
Maybe your weather control devices?
Another possibility.
I’m still waiting for my turn on the space laser
I’m still waiting for my turn to run Hollywood.
When it’s your turn can I have a show where I just yell at the camera about shit that pisses me off? I could easily fill a 40 minute spot. It will be low budget, just me standing In front of a dumpster yelling at a camera while my co host tries to censor me in real time.
You might have to wait for Lewis Black to retire.
Ok, but if you control space lasers, can you please use them on a property in Florida? Asking for a friend. Like why not use these spaces lazorz to fry your enemies?
Sorry, too busy starting wildfires with them as part of our diabolical plan to do something or other.
Damnit, FS. At least share the plan with us! Lol
I’d tell you, but I’d have to circumcise you.
Too late.
Well then maybe we can take you on part-time. What are your feelings on Mel Brooks (WATCH WHAT YOU SAY NEXT!!!)?
Hmmm, must be the death star of David :3
Hey can you guys maybe chill on the whole global dominance and financial manipulations. Some of us just want to go to work, pay are taxes and die early.
No can do, sorry. We have to force the world to eat gefilte fish.
Fucking cartoon villains. The lot of you.
(Sorry not racists just playing the part)
While my wife and I were evangelical Christians in college we attended a few Jewish events for part of a religious study class she was taking. That is definitely what stood out to me, too. While it’s difficult to really make definitive statements about Christianity as a whole because it’s so varied, the type we were familiar with from our Bible belt upbringing was definitely more about a pretty literal interpretation about everything. It was very fascinating to learn that Jewish people are much more practical about their interpretation. For context, growing up I’d say a good bit of the people in my church viewed remarrying after divorce as adultery because marriage is meant to be forever.
One thing I remember finding fascinating was like the layers of annotations on scripture. Like people would annotate annotations with their responses and stuff.
The Talmud, which is basically a bunch of Rabbis arguing about what the Torah means, is almost as important as the Torah itself.
There’s a famous phrase in Jewish culture: two Jews, three opinions.
It’s been the same with Christianity for most of the 2000 years it has existed. Christians had so many different interpretations they have been split up into splinter groups as early as 30 years after Jesus death.
Literalism is a pretty new concept, rougthly from the late 19th century.
If anybody is interested about the history, I can recomend Center Place`s newest video, a progressive church that has a lot of historical and very scholary lectures about Christianity and Judaism (no preaching or converting). Their lectures playlist is a treasure. And I say this as a very much not Christian or Jewish person.
That doesnt sound very similar (or the same), in Judaism while there are many different factions its not only common but encuraged for people within a faction to disagree on interpretation. Jewish schools teach the art of studying torah, understanding torah, interpreting the torah, and then arguing over said interpretations.
Christianity is fear, and Judaism is clever loopholes. Fear you will go to hell versus you’ll get into the kingdom eventually, one way or another.
Well I certainly hope Mel gets to put his medical advice to the test on himself.
Just like Joe he’ll admit he’s getting the same treatment any doctor would recommend, and he’ll take Ivermectin on top and when he’s better, he’ll claim it was the horse dewormer that fought the cancer.
You’re probably right. But if there’s a slim chance the man “Jobs” himself…
Poor, poor Mel boy. He is in dire need of mental help and adult supervision.
i guess you could say his house’s climate changed that day
“This is fine.”
Aw it was sad that all of Mel’s Nazi memorabilia burned to a crisp.
The house was a non-issue since he was probably being paid enough from the performance to buy a bigger one.
Some niggling part of my brain keeps wondering if ivermectin is actually a crazy cure for cancer, could anyone break down the science for me? I have a decent understanding of molecular biology, but no idea about what ivermectin is chemically or how it would play in
It kills parasitic infections caused by worms. Cancer is not a parasitic infection caused by a worm. It’s like asking if a mouse trap can fix climate change. No, because they are in no way related.
If you want to know the specific mechanism involved, it has to do with properties worms have but mammals don’t: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivermectin#Mechanism_of_action
It kills parasitic infections caused by worms. Cancer is not a parasitic infection caused by a worm. It’s like asking if a mouse trap can fix climate change. No, because they are in no way related.
That’s not a convincing argument. It suffices to say that ivermectin was considered as a candidate for a cancer drug as early as 2018, with a proposed mechanism of action and everything. It’s not as simple as “cancer is not a parasitic infection”, because pharmacology is never this simple. That paper also mentions positive study results both in vitro and in vivo. There is also a lot of later research (search
ivermectin cancer
on google scholar), but it’s potentially biased by the horrifying memetic war that happened in America during the covid pandemic.My conclusion from ten minutes of googling is that quite possibly it’s a real weak anti-cancer drug much like the already-known ones. It’s hard to be sure of those things - we’re in an age where there’s enough research and publication bias and politics that you can’t trust individual studies1. And you can’t fully trust meta-analyses either, but I can’t even find a meta-analysis of ivermectin as used for cancer, so.
(It’s pretty safe to say that it’s not an amazing cancer drug much better than all existing ones (like some people seem to think) - both on priors, and because if that was the case it’d be extremely obvious from all of the studies already made.)
1 I don’t mean fraud, I mean that if a hundred teams over the globe try a study of something that doesn’t work, five of them will find p<0.05 results by pure chance and quite possibly only those teams will publish it - so until several good replications come along, it’ll look like there’s a real and well-supported effect. And there can be much subtler problems than this - see, say, how well the studies of psychic powers go.
Okay, that’s a fair enough response and I learned something, so thank you.
I mean, if you drank enough of it, I’m sure the cancer would stop growing.
It works similarly to the traditional bleach cure in that regard. Both are 100% effective if used properly.
I hear guns work similarly well.
Edit: read more XKCD, people.
I always like that comic, but wish he had done a bit on one of the ways we used to (maybe someone still does it somewhere? Idk) impregnate cells with DNA. Take a modified .22 bullet, load it with the DNA, and blast it at cells.