Big Tech designed their platforms to keep you trapped.
YouTube, X, Instagram, and TikTok aren't neutral spaces. They're businesses built on capturing your attention and data. Their algorithms, notification systems, and content policies all serve one purpose: keeping you engaged on their terms. And their terms alone. There's no freedom
But that’s the problem though, devs are notoriously bad at UX, and people good at UX don’t seem to care as much about FOSS and the open web. At least that’s my experience.
So we need people to speak out so devs can fix these little paper cuts in UX
There’s plenty of good, open source UX in FOSS. Have you seen the Gnome family of apps? They look great and are easy to understand.
They’re also pretty light on features, and GNOME itself is quite foreign for new users.
Agreed, this has always been a major disconnect.
I’ll also say that devs are notoriously bad at “being a noob”. A lot of software just takes too much investment to get working - those that do not tend to be extremely predatory (i.e Facebook).
Devs need to create dead-simple software that has UX which caters to common actions humans would do.