Remember to make up some 90% statistic while you’re at it.
there’s no human being more parasitic than a billionaire. they steal, exploit, horde, and give nothing back to society. their very existence is a crime against humanity and should be outlawed.
Children are parasites, they only take from the state and provide nothing back in return! Send them back into the mines!
Back to the mines? Just kill them where they stand, useless parasites, who needs em?
Nuh uhhh that’s the post birth abortions democrats love so much!
Elon IS the parasite class. He lives off the labour of others. The best way for him to remove the parasite class is to place his neck in the guillotine.
The use of the word “parasite” is not a coincidence.
“[The Jew] is and remains the eternal parasite, a parasite that spreads more and more like a harmful bacillus, as well as inviting only a favourable culture medium. The effect of its existence, however, is similar to that of parasites: where it occurs, the host people die after a shorter or longer time.”
— Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf