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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • My public school education on pemdas is that for multiplication/division and addition/subtraction, you do them on order from left to right. Doing it that way gets me 16, which I believe to be right, but I’m also very bad at math. The way you had explained is also technically correct, if you do the multiplication out of order. Now that I think about it, you could solve for the parentheses by multiplying 2+2 by two, giving you 8/8 quicker and still yielding 1. I’m now having more doubts about my math capabilities, both are right, but I know that’s wrong, I just don’t know why

  • I feel like that doesn’t get discussed enough. The supplements provided under trump hindered way more than they helped. Might I remind you that those were promised and then delayed because Trump wanted his fucking name printed on the checks. Outside of that, the paycheck protection program was a disaster! So many companies took advantage of that while shitting all over the employees that that was supposed to help. All the while, mom and pop shops and other local places got shafted because the mega corporations tapped the fund. Then it all got forgiven?? You’ve got what is essentially neutered unemployment benefits performed solely to act as a clout grab, and you’ve got hyper inflation into the absolute wrong end of the scale of where it should go. More people focus on the former instead of the latter like the latter never happened.

  • Assuming it’s just thrown in there, nothing really but the hope the trigger doesn’t get caught on your pants button. If it’s in a proper inside-the-waist holster, there’s a trigger guard that makes sure the bang switch isn’t accidentally hit. Outside of that, good trigger discipline will keep whatever genitals your packing safe

  • It’s been brought to my attention through other comments here that Florida may not have the same registration as my home state. I’m pretty sure the form is a federal form though, or at least the background check required is federal. I’m not sure if an open investigation/indictment would show on those compared to something someone was tried and found guilty of. For where I’m at, the only way to transfer a handgun without registering it is if it were to go from parent to child, or vice versa.

    Either way, I’m happy to see another twig on the fire under his dumbass, but I do like my guns and I really hope this doesn’t get twisted into something to fuck that up more

  • That was my thought. We know from statements made directly by trump that he purchased the gun relatively recently. Was it ever actually in his name? Based on the forms that I’ve had to fill out for purchasing both rifles and handguns, make it explicitly clear purchasing a gun for someone else isn’t cool. If it can be proven that someone else bought the gun for him, or he bought it with the intention of selling it, he can end up in more hot water. At the moment, it can be assumed either of those happened, but it can’t be proven.

  • I don’t think thief is the right word. Would you consider someone who stands by a busker listening to their whatever and not throwing a coin in the hat, a thief as well? I get your point, I just think you went about it the wrong way. Who has the better claim to entitlement, the person who already got paid for the sponsorship based on their existing performance metrics, or me and my time? Are you a thief for taking a piss during a commercial break? Are you a thief for arriving late to movies to intentionally skip the previews? Where’s the line here? I’m also not sure of where my hypocrisy comes in either. I have no fantasies about other people wanting to hear what I have to say, especially if it’s going to cost them time or money. I’m not blocking advertisements and expecting people to watch mine. I don’t have anything to advertise. If I wanted to make a shitty YouTube video to entertain people, I’ll do that, but I’m not going to pretend that it’s going to put food on my table. My real job does that. I’m not so vain as to think I deserve other people’s time and attention. What makes Linus tech tips entitled to my time, or Mr beast, or whoever else is churning out mediocre content purely for profit?