lol i know what Old windows was like XD. 95 and Vista, I used both those. im not that young/out of touch.
lol i know what Old windows was like XD. 95 and Vista, I used both those. im not that young/out of touch.
ok, after using DDG for 3-4 weeks, its come to my attention that this search engine is kinda fucking annoying to use ;m;
First thing, it doesn’t correct the misspellings for me like google does, I have to fix them myself. idrk if theres a fix for that
second thing, it is now ALSO giving me heavily unrelated shit to what im trying to search. Im trynna look up things like “How to make Kava taste good” and its giving me articles on just what Kava is. or I’m looking up, “Why do all the good people die first and bad people live on” and its giving me articles on what personality traits live the longest. It’s some how WORSE than google, cus now I have to do even more tweaking in my searches just to get it to fucking stop, it wouldnt even tell me if the word “Am” is a Pronoun or not, I had to scroll through a bunch of unrelated shit before giving up and using google. What the fuck :(
Thirdly, there is no third complaint really- im just getting really really sick and tired of DDG giving me random/unrelated shit. maybe im not doin something right, idk, but its frustrating as fuck.
lemme go get my reading glasses for this one…
idk about you, a massive chunk of corporate employees are immigrants and only came here cus they were either suckered into being here and trafficked, or trynna get away from cartels or war. if we deported all of them at once, the nation would quite literally, blow up.
Say goodbye getting your roofs fixed, or your house cleaned, or your lawn mowed, or your house painted, or your
dude they fucking do 90% of all the dirty work in this country, Lets maybe NOT deport what is the backbone of this country and instead get them some rights so corporations can stop being sleezy pieces of shit and underpaying people.
quality search results with a layout that is similar enough to google’s layout
why does everyone keep suggesting ddg =m=
ok- how tf do I set this as my default browser and also sign into it… its a bit confusing to figure out??
eh… true- but i was meaning something like having to pay to use Chrome or somethin. I tried kagi and it is really good but like- aaaaaaaaaaaaghjdsafklc;g ufn i have so many subscriptions, im scared im gonna spend too much with everything I got. idk :(( I’ll keep looking, but push comes to shove, i think im fr just gonna have to buy it :depression:
Why does everything gotta be subscription based tho!
I just dont really wanna buy into that kinda stuff, even if it is good. Soon my ability to use the internet (not wifi) is gonna be subscription based :(
oh- yea i shoulda said read the last part of my name XD
the fuck i get downvoted for- damn, lemme enjoy my men >:(
how do i embed this right…
HONESTLY… not a bad idea ffs. Its like taking away the cookie jar when a kid gets too greedy. “You’ll get the money back when you stop buying useless shit with it”
Cus im stubborn and my brain wants to click on buttons rather than type command lines for whatever reason. idk- I can use a terminal, ive done it before, but I guess for like- ADHD reasons my brain is like “nah fuck this I wanna click some buttons n shit”