Drive fast, bash fash, and support the working class

  • 59 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 11th, 2023


  • It largely depends on what lense you parse your logic through, if its the lense of accumulating wealth and power you will almost always reach the same conclusion, the same if you use dialectical Materialism you will almost always reach yhe same conclusion. In the first instance you wont be able to understand how others can’t see the truths that are burning into your retinas, while in the latter truth you will understand exactly why they avoid the rubric of logic which brings makes their lifestyle unable to accept they are everythig wrong with the world and dragging us int a greenhouse heat death in the pursuit of profit.

  • Its so much fun! I buy used SLR cameras and equipment from estate sales on the cheap (always below $30) and develop my film at home instead of paying $10 a roll to have it processed in a lab (chemicals cost $24 for 24 rolls of developing ) about to start bulk rolling my film for the cost of $6 a roll as opposed to spending $10-$16 per roll from the photography shop near me. Brining the cost down to shoot and develop the film from $26 per roll to $7 per roll.

  • Lexapro gang gang! Gave me insane bouts of diarrhea for the first week or so, but it helped fix what i thought was IBS, got me out of a severe crippling depression, and has helped immensely with my adhd. It pretty much renewed my lease on life. I was able to quit smoking a gram of dabs every week which i was using to self medicate ny depression, now i only take 1 CBD gummy a day to help with a neurological condition which other medications do nothing for. Wish i had started taking it sooner, but i thought i had it under control with the copious ammounts of weed i was smoking. I was so fucking wrong.

  • Capitalism does not self regulate, it consolidates. You should try reading Marx and Lenin’s actual writings, you seem very earnest and dont come off as a troll. There are multiple free audio recordings on YouTube of their works. Humanity must escape the all powerful driving forces of the profit motives Capitalism enforces or perish off the face of this earth. That process if it is to take place will appear extremely authoritarian to those who value profit above all else.

  • Yes it is, because authoritarianism isn’t the end goal of ML. You readily acknowledge that we currently live under an authoritarian Capitalist system, can you tell me what the end goal of this system even is? I mean most workers are one missed paycheck away from homelessness. While vast sums of wealth are horded by the top 1% of society with the only end goal being more wealth being extracted from the working class, with no actual goal besides more profit and greater wealth. The end goal of Marxist-Leninism is a classes society where each person contributes what they can to society and receives back what they need to live a fulfilling life. They are extremely different.