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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • It’s not exactly a secret that Biden dislikes Netanyahu and has for a long time. He didn’t receive the customary invitation to the white house after his latest election win, which tells you something.

    I think Biden decided to be fully on Israel’s side after the attack, and to give Netenyahu the benefit of the doubt, hoping he’d rise to the challenge and become a true statesman. Weirder things have happened. Perhaps that was naive, clearly that’s not in Netenyahu’s nature. Likely it was a decision made in part due to domestic political considerations, but here we are.

    Does now make it easier for Biden to criticise Netenyahu and push for moderation. No one can accuse him of not supporting Israel, although I assume the GOP will try to do exactly that if they haven’t already.

  • I’m not surprised Biden was so resistant to changing his opinion on Israel


    It was apparent long before the 7 October Hamas terrorist attacks on southern Israel … that Netanyahu and Biden were barely on speaking terms. The usual White House invitation following last autumn’s election, which brought Netanyahu’s hard-right coalition to power, was withheld. … A principal reason was Biden’s disquiet over the extremist, anti-Palestinian policies espoused by the new government, notably in the occupied West Bank. Yet when Hamas attacked, Biden, being at heart a decent and honourable soul, set differences aside. His mistake, or perhaps his wilful self-deception, was to believe Netanyahu was a man of similar mettle … Yet this show of almost unconditional support was promptly interpreted by Netanyahu as carte blanche to do whatever he pleased in pursuing Hamas in Gaza. His main “achievement” to date, given that the terrorists remain undefeated, is an unprecedented slaughter of Palestinian civilians … Biden has slowly – far too slowly – adjusted his stance … Biden cannot continue to stand back or hide behind his officials. He must step in personally – and draw a line. What’s needed from the White House is less of the sympathetic uncle act, less of the soppy Joe, and more of the hard-headed pater familias and superpower commander-in-chief.


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