A wanderer trying to explore the FediVerse
Noooooo don’t Just Google it try, Use a Search Engine or just WebSearch it<br>
Dont’t make Google an integral part of internet culture
Ok now I get it, apologies
Try Nationalism/Jingoism; Patriots actually stand up to their own country’s BS
Ohhhhh nooooo it’s always the “everything bad in America is because of communism” gag
I’m starting to wish I had an account on Lemmy.ML you guys are based & badasses (But that’s a topic for another day)
I still wish they didn’t check for Unique usernames, the DHT should be enough & the username should be a supplement that can be edited later
But isn’t UnifiedPush libre & privacy-respecting enough ?
Why the fascination with GNU ?
We seriously need a series of DD-Command 4 Dummies guides<br> Also you guys have USB drives with lights ???
The only issue I have with GNU-Jami <u>is them checking for Unique Usernames</u> it’s annoying & problematic<br> You have the DHT (“Distributed Hash-Table” based on Ethereum) & that should be enough<br> why even check for the uniqueness of the attached username ?<br> The DHT should be the ID & names need to be detachable from it<br> & we can’t even edit the username once registered
Otherwise it’s high-quality Libre/Free-Software but with room for improvements
Here are some links:-
Have fun :-)
I wasn’t talking about Github, I was talking about GIT itself; <u>Look at these Three</u>:
The last 2 are Patch-Based & 2 is basically a modernized-version of 3, eventhough 3 is still being maintained to this day & 1 is a fully-fledged Github-in-a-box
Oh boy I can’t wait for the negative comments about it’s obviois flaws, so let’s hear it
Average Grandaddy Stable distro hater
How about Movim ?? It’s an XMPP-Based Social-Media/Microblogging platform
Again this applies to FOSS as a whole & nothing comes close to Oddball-ing as FOSS Back then it was SVN, now it’s Git, what makes you think Fossil or Pijul won’t replace Git ? Trends change & people usually take notice of lesser known things Well there’s another term called “Niche”
It’s easier to just stay on windows & BTW windows is working on their own proprietary VCS so yeah good luck with everything & all
With that mentality of yours, OpenSource wouldn’t be a thing
Looks like a lot of people are using it go to Chisel & see it for yourself & the whole point behind it is to use a different style of FOSS development.<br> Same applies to Darcs & Pijul
You should know better by now that this how Libre-Software works, you walk off the beaten path
But you use Github
Make that Source Code With Binaries
But it doesn’t appeal to GIT users, Git favours a Bazaar style development