Maven (famous)

The most annoying thing about being famous is having to tell everyone how famous you are.

  • 37 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • The art being flat as a way of saying it’s low effort is an argument I genuinely don’t understand. Comics are all low effort art wise… That’s part of the whole thing.

    Comics historically have been the lowest quality you can get away with since they have to be put out every day for the newspaper. I know XKCD does more than 1 thing but the art style is literally stick figures and they’re one of the most popular web comics.

    You may not like the art but I would call it a mediocre art style more than a low effort one.

    Everything else I fully agree with. She gets the (unfortunately) normal amount of hate a woman gets online for being a woman. Which is why I made sure to do italics for it when I said lot. She tends to get significantly more support than hate in pretty much everything she does either way.

  • Pizzacake is a popular comic artist over on Reddit. She gained popularity mostly because she is extremely active in the comments of all of her posts. She is constantly chatting and attempting to make friends.

    As for why she is disliked, there’s a few reasons.

    The one she sites the most is sexism though there isn’t actually a lot of evidence of this outside of her own testimony.

    Another is that she won’t stop talking about how people who don’t like her are sexist. She’s made multiple comics about how her critics don’t read her comics and just dislike them due to woman.

    Her jokes also tend to be the easiest possible punchline for every joke. this has a kinda weird double effect because it means that her comics are extremely applicable to most people because they are generic enough that you can fit most of them into most situations. On the flip side, if you don’t like one the comics… You probably won’t like any of them… They’re all similar enough to be mostly indistinguishable other than the topic itself. along that same train of thought, if you like one… You’ll probably like them all.

    As for my own opinion, I don’t really care one way or the other. She’s fine. I’ve heard accusations of her paying for likes on Reddit for promoting her own comics and so on but honestly I haven’t seen any proof myself so I can’t confirm or deny any of those.

  • It annoys me to no extent when there’s something I could do in 5 seconds on the desktop version of an app but I can’t find it on the mobile version because they hid things. Microsoft is soooo annoying with this (and many other things because fuck them)! Every version of each of their apps on every platform is an entirely different program with the same name that barely even does the same functions.

    As for the text, this is a problem they could’ve solved! And instead they made it worse while also making the UX worse! Every update from discord recently has made the app more and more buggy and slow. I genuinely don’t understand how they manage it.

  • One of my favorite things about discord was the fact that your experience was similar on both mobile and desktop. I honestly thought it was fantastic from a UX perspective since your knowledge of the app transferred easily between platforms. The new update destroys that and tosses out a large amount of shared knowledge.

    Another, more important, complaint is the changes to the colors/themes makes the accessibility significantly worse no matter what theme you use for anyone with eye issues. They changed the light mode font to gray??? They reduced the contrast on the other modes significantly making it genuinely difficult to read text on a MESSAGING APP.

    To me this whole thing, and the earlier username changes, feel like changing for the sake of changing rather than actually improving anything. This is just for the shareholders and not because literally anyone asked for it.

    Also why is dms it’s own tab I really liked that they were listed next to the servers!

  • My theory for the behind the scenes:

    McFarland: I would like to make a star trek parody!

    Fox: oh sounds awesome, lots of funny jokes and stuff. Should be funny.

    M: yes haha, funny.

    F: yes… Anyway here’s the money

    Making episode one

    M: I gotta make sure there’s loads of jokes so I can show this to execs and they see the haha bits

    Making episode 3

    M: okay I think they’re gone… Time to just literally make normal star trek episodes

    making the last episode of s1

    F: hey I see you’re almost done with the first season so I’m just checking in that the show is still funny

    M: quickly adding in as many jokes as the last second as possible haha yes humor! Jokes! Plenty of them! Haha yes

  • I used to be hardcore anti-subs but then I started to realize that a large amount of English movies are mixed in a way where you can’t understand anything that’s going on anyway (thanks Christopher Nolan) so I have subs on for everything now because I can more consistently experience the entirety of the movie/show instead of my understanding of lines being up to if the director was upset that day.

  • Idk if I would really call it any of those. Characters in it are those but the episode itself was constantly showcasing that these things are bad. One thing I especially liked was the parts where they had to learn how women move since practicing being a specific gender is a real thing trans people do and deal with.

    Throughout the episode multiple characters are being shown being misogynistic, transphobic and so on… But then being that is now shown as good it’s being actively shown as part of the problem with the ferengi that they are trying to solve.

  • I haven’t yet finished DSC yet but I highly disagree with that last bit. Every single Star Trek has been “Star Trek but…” They all do it very differently and that’s what makes each one so incredibly interesting to watch as a group instead of just 1 long series. From what I’ve seen of DSC it’s basically just “Star Trek but… It focuses on the characters” similarly to DS9 in that way.

    A lot of great SciFi stories are just characters talking but it’s in space… That’s most Asimov stories actually… so DSC is definitely sci-fi and very much so sci-fi.