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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I’ve heard of the issue before.

    Stupid? Absolutely. And it’s not just iPhones - they are part of the bigger picture. Somehow having “premium” things is huge part of your status in the US, especially among teens. And, despite the fact iPhone is owned by just about everyone in America, it’s still somehow seen as a thing compared to which Android phones are broke man’s choice.

    Result? 87-88% of American teens have iPhones (1, 2), with 90% planning to make it their next choice.

    It’s an extremely toxic consumer culture driving people into debt - and even if you aren’t part of it, you’ll be forced into it, otherwise your child will have issues.

    Also, Apple will fight tooth and nail to distinguish users, because having access to iMessage - and now right-colored bubbles - is a big part of why Americans go Apple to begin with. It’s a local unofficial communication standard.

  • I’d say there’s enough stuff that can be turned into fire starter should you have time to dry it (and under a good cover with relatively strong winds and relatively low humidity for the area it will take several days to dry thin starters and months to dry firewood, so tarp won’t help you that much in the short run). Generally, if you’re in the wild in winter in northwestern Russia without already stored dry firewood or other fuel, your chances of survival are fairly questionable to begin with.

    Yes, there aren’t many caves in there and terrain is very hard. Constructing a cover is not a trivial task. Normally in this environment survivalists resort to self-made tents or dig into the ground (latter being less popular in the winter, for obvious reasons), but both are fairly useless in a zombie apocalypse for the reasons you’ve already outlined. Mountain and treetop constructions will suffer severely from strong cold winds.

    Realistically though, you cannot survive the wilderness of northwestern Russia (and a lot of wilderness for that matter) with just 4 objects. You’ll strike a way better chance by finding a remote village. Yes, you might have to ward off zombies, but, as you mentioned, environment will be less of an issue, and environment here is certainly deadly.

  • Very impressive!

    One thing though; the area to the north is very swamped; it’s not just lakes. So getting dry lumber any time of the year is near impossible, thereby fire kit is very advisable. Dry needles are not as dry as one would want. Cones that are often advised as an element of easy fire starters are extremely wet and useless for the task; they burn no better than wood thorougly soaked in water. Generally, making fire out of any lumber in the woods is a massive headache in there.

    Also, high humidity means fog is a very regular occurrence, so a clifftop might be way less useful that one can imagine. It gets particularly bad the closer you move to Khibiny mountains.

  • Eternity as a Lemmy client

    Mastodon official app

    Official version of Telegram without Google bloat

    NewPipe all the way


    InviZible Pro

    Organic Maps - FOSS Navigation!

    OpenBoard (keyboards are underrated)

    Rethink: DNS+Firewall

    URLCheck as a useful way to check links before actually going there

    Unciv - FOSS Civilization-like game