SoyViking [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2020


  • The closest I can come is blackletter or fraktur scripts that were once used for generic languages. As far as letters go they are silly and overcomplicated, with Latin scripts being far easier to read and more adaptable to different visual styles.

    With that being said, they do have their own old-timey charm and there is something satisfying in being able to pick up a old book in blackletter and read it when you know that most people can not.

    Fun fact: Blackletter was only used for Germanic languages. If a text contained non-Germanic passages it was normal to set those in Latin letters while the rest was set in blackletter.

  • In Denmark the closest we come to the “marrying cousins” stereotype would be southern Jutland although that trope can be used about all rural areas.

    As for being backwards and reactionary, rural Jutland is the place to go.

    As for rural poverty and hopelessness an area stretching from northern, western and southern Jutland, over southern Funen to the islands of Lolland and Falster is known as “the rotten banana”. Rural poverty is worst on the northern Jutland island of Mors and the island of Lolland.

  • I guess this is one of those YMMW situations. I’m sure Halloween can be fun and cool in America but outside of America it really sucks.

    Where I’m from Halloween was not a thing until ten or fifteen years ago when toy stores decided they wanted to use the opportunity to market ugly plastic decorations and shitty costumes. There’s none of the cultural background that gives celebrations like this meaning and it all feels fake, like people are pretending to be Americans rather than taking part in a genuine celebration.

    Celebrating Halloween as a non-American also has a tiresome aspect of cultural imperialism in it. Adopting stuff from other cultures is fine but why does it have to be stuff from burgerland every single time? Why can’t we do Dias de los muertos or Chinese New year instead?