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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • “NRF data from its annual Retail Security Survey indicates that the percentage of shrink attributed to external theft, including organized retail crime, has largely remained around 36% since 2015.”

    Holy fucking shit dude…wasn’t expecting some shit like that…So we’re saying that spoilage, damage, logistical inefficiency, pilferage/embezzlement etc. is roughly twice as likely to cause losses in inventory than shoplifting?

    Next time someone wants to check your receipt, ask em to empty their pockets. Sounds like they could, statistically, be as likely or more to be stealing shit…

  • I read the article, and it quoted her as having said “oh yeah” when he declared a weapon, and I thought “yeah that’s not great, but I kinda get it” because I assumed the context was that she assumed he meant it as a mild threat perhaps and was responding with “oh yeah?” the way one would when being insulted or threatened…

    Then I watch the video, and that’s not the case at all… The tone implies something much more along the lines of “yippee, you got a gun, now I get to develop a sudden fear for my life and do THIS!.. Yeehaw!”

    She ain’t intimidated or threatened, she just mentally busted through a brick wall holding a pitcher in her hand looking to have a tropical punch party, that was a koolade man “OH YEAH!”

    Y’all cops need to come to Jesus and establish some fucking standards and enforce them, because what you got going with the paid vacation and taxpayers funding their own restitution is not gonna be indefinitely sustainable. You’re filling a keg full of powder and one of these evil motherfuckers you keep turning a blind eye to is gonna throw a spark in the wrong place at the wrong time, and not even the bomb squad in their full staypuft costume is gonna qualify for immunity from the explosion it causes.

    I don’t think we need to go down that road, but a lot of people do, and cops like Ms koolade here arent making the opinion shrink…

  • Jesus fucking Christ…

    Is this to suggest that out of all the options in the DNC, Biden is not just the best one available, but the only person in the DNC capable of winning an election against fucking trump?!?

    That is a hella sad implication.

    It’s kinda sad as well that after four years at the helm (arguably), the best the dude can go with as a campaign is to just drag out the same lame ass “I’m not trump” he ran on last time… Not that “I’m not trump” isn’t worthy of a vote, it is in my opinion, but shit man, you can’t hold up anything else, after 4 years?

    Anyone know who’s going on the libertarian ticket next year?

  • Are you serious? They aren’t forgetting that rule, they’re taking it to insanity. Trump supporters have been called treasonous for literally years now, and the most egregious shit is mainly knee jerk turnabout already.

    No Mark Twain because n-word, k, we’ll ban whole ass libraries. Want sanctuary for immigrants and homeless, we’ll bus you thousands of them. Republicans aren’t forgetting turnabout, they’re escalating the fuck out of it.

    Trump is 100% going to be calling Biden and Biden supporters “enemy of the state” (if he isn’t already) because it’s been said of him. Every remotely sketchy thing his opposition does, he adds it to his list of sketchy shit that he can get away with, and there are others taking up the same tactic, some of whom are arguably even more trump with it than trump…

  • I’d have expected that we’d passed the peak already tbh. Anecdotally, I’ve seen a hell of a lot more windmills on the road or on barges than I’ve seen actually installed, but still, they’re all on their way to somewhere, and as commonly as I see them being shipped, it feels like they’ve almost definitely have had to start a decline by now…

    There IS a really low rate of utilization though I suppose. I’m kinda hoping that’s just a matter of silliness with rules on who gets to sell their power into the grid or whatnot.

  • My property tax is $1200 a year. Failure to pay that for a while (a year or three) could result in the state selling the house, keeping the overdue taxes, and paying me the rest (if there is any. Sometimes they get sold cheap).

    The state can also buy my house from me under eminent domain, to put in a rail line, or power lines, or some other utility. They’d owe me “fair value” for it, but they basically determine what that means, and it could be significantly less than what i could sell it in the market for (but to be fair, taxes are based on “fair value”, and almost everyone quietly allows the state to low-ball their property value because of this).

    It can also be condemned. If it’s egregiously not maintained and shows obvious signs of structural issues, or the property gets hoarded up and looks like a trash dump. This is much more common with commercial property.

    There’s also civil asset forfeiture. If you’re manufacturing and/or selling drugs/weapons/etc. (as a random example. Any crime counts really) on a property, it can be seized outright with no requisite compensation at all.

    HOAs ar often described as similar to asset forfeiture, but they’re closer to a tax siezure. The HOA has to have in its charter that they can fine members for rule violations, and the process for an HOA is the same as for overdue taxes, but with unpaid fines. The authority for HOA is entirely contractual, you have to sign a contract agreeing to those rules.

    All of these are incredibly rare occurrences, and usually involve some sort of genesis, like an investor wants a specific property, neighbors hate someone, etc.