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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I did end up watching that episode. The part where Jon called him a red-pilled Smokey the Bear was really funny.

    The accusation wasn’t of rape but sexual assault, which is quite different, though no less wrong.

    The show makes the distinction of mainstream and not. Not sure the real difference is liberal versus conservative.

    And the Samoa situation is really strange, but I don’t think Robert went around and told locals to not vaccinate. I said in another comment that he has something to answer for here, but saying he is responsible seems like speculation, given the evidence as presented.

  • No worries, I really appreciate your follow-up.

    I agree with Robert’s professed view that vaccines should have enhanced safety protocols to ensure positive health outcomes. Specifically, a long term study on ingredients and so forth. This, he claims, stems from the staggering increase in child health issues in the past forty years. It makes perfect sense to want to use US health institutions to research possible causes and get to the bottom of it. I don’t trust monied interests, but I do trust the scientific method.

    However, scaremongering is wrong, and that appears to be what caused the issue. It isn’t perfectly clear that Robert directly has blood on his hands, but it does seem like the company he kept at the time has done some damage, and so he at least has something to answer for here.

    Thanks again for getting back to me on this.

  • He’s a Kennedy, I’m sure he’s been around a great number of people. But of all the interviews I’ve seen, both before and after his intention to run for president, I never heard him refer to those people as his friends. He had rational reasons for his relationship as far as Epstein goes. I don’t have any reason to believe he was a child rapist.

    As far as the other two, all I can say is that famous people tend to talk to other famous people at parties. It doesn’t mean RFK approves of their behavior or character. If you have evidence of the contrary I’m all ears. Cherry picked sounds bytes don’t impress me so you don’t have to bother with that.

    Also I’m not saying he’s the pinnacle of greatness. He only had to top Trump and Biden, and that’s not hard to do this election. There were other Democrats I would have gladly voted for but the DNC and Biden didn’t give me the chance.

  • The Democrats need an effective communicator that really connects with people.

    I’m excited for this ticket, not because I’m Minnesotan, but because the country desperately needs Waltz, on television, at least as much as MAGAs have been. His rational and relatable mind is a remedy to the years of maddening bullshit that have been blasting us lower and lower to the depths.

    I was so jaded by the Democrats and their inability to escape their ivory tower of power and even attempt to relate to me, that I was firmly resolved to vote RFK this election.

    Now they offer a glimmer of hope. Here’s hoping the tides are changing and they actually have conviction behind their normally hollow words. Biden has achieved some progressive agendas, and thankfully he released his grip to let others continue his surprising work.

  • But that’s exactly it, from another person’s perspective he’s not taking away anything, he’s giving. This is what I’m trying to highlight here and all I’m getting are squawks about Trump is bad, my sister is bad. To some people Trump is restoring a desecrated country. They grew up their whole lives with a certain world view of good and evil, it’s not their fault religion twisted their minds, this is the nuance I’m pleading you to take notice but all you can give me are limp platitudes that most people are good and bad, but Trump and his supporters are bad bad. Not very enlightening, because it doesn’t say much about the real life people we’re discussing.

    Those people are not evil, though they may be doing evil. Just as you said, which means I expect you to acknowledge this point, “just because someone does good it does not make them good” works the other way around: just because someone does evil does not make them evil. This is why we need to find inroads with this group to create a space that can be shared peacefully by everyone. Calling them all bad and shutting down any effort to discuss only results in something even more horrifying, and frankly, evil: war.

  • You are simply wrong on all points here, with the exception of emotional clouding. There may be emotional clouding going on here, but it’s not with me and my sister. It’s with the left and Trump. It’s causing people like you to speak with insane antisocial rhetoric, and it’s what’s driving people further apart.

    So you can play the part of the stuck-up bitch, or you can open up to people and their complex lives and beliefs, and see that things aren’t as simple as you are trying to make them out to be.

    While I’m not orthodox, I’m well into the left wing of politics, and even I can see that Trump isn’t all bad. Few people that ever lived are all bad.

  • Your sister is not a good person.

    You are categorically wrong, and I’m trying to use this opportunity to shine a light on this part of you that is unable to see beyond what is black or white.

    You cannot reduce a person down to good or evil based on how they voted. It’s insane to think you can. It’s insane to think you can tell me the truth about my sister.

    This insanity is what the right sees when people like you talk, and it’s what is driving the wedge further and further in-between what would otherwise be cooperative groups who want the same basic things in life, with key differences that require rational compromises.