Might be an unpopular opinion but, this sounds really exciting to me. I hate fidgeting with my phone and always have been super interested in a true AI type assistant type thing.
It’s a shame no one should ever trust this, regardless of what company makes it.
Oh what the world could be.
I don’t think an uprising is going to break out tomorrow as an immediate reaction to his actions.
But at the very least he got a lot of people talking and thinking. People who a year or two ago would call someone “complaining” about the health conglomerates and the way we’re getting fucked crazy.
I was that person called crazy, and now my whole family, neighbors, friends, coworkers are fucking pissed and finally waking up. People who I never thought would.
It certainly doesn’t stop at health insurance, we’re getting killed from 100 different angles. But he got people talking.