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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023


  • So in German we have these weird symbols: äßöü one of them is even in my name. In my opinion they are not necessary and cause more trouble that they are worth.

    UTF 8 has alleviated some of the pain. However I still regularly find documents encoded in old character encodings and I have to manually fix all these accents.

    I also have one of them in my name. In the past in school a SYS-Admin entered my name with an ö instead of the alternate form oe. All was fine. I was about 13yo, so I had no idea about backups and didn’t care. I stored all my files on their NAS. One day they had drive failures and could recover all data except from students with accents in their name. I don’t know what shitty software they used but I am still annoyed at this.

    We also have das,dass which I always get wrong while writing texts.

    There are some good things. The time forms can be pretty fun to use.

    All in all German is a 6/10 for me could be better could be worse.