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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • I’m in my forties and what you’re describing doesn’t sound normal at all. I beat myself up good in my younger years with sports and still do somewhat regular cardio and weightlifting. I have a bum knee and hip problem, shoulder issues from weightlifting injuries, and my back gets stiff and sore on a good day.

    None of that stops me from functionally living, and none of its anything the occasional ibuprofen or toke won’t fix in the short term. I can still exercise, do physical labor, open all the jars, and be generally active, and without pain the majority of the time.

    What you’re describing sounds more like an inflammatory disease or auto-immune disorder. 110% get a second opinion from a different doc, or a third if needed.

  • Generally speaking, idle unpaid accounts like this are either sold by the creditors to a third party debt collector, resetting the clock, or they will sue you for the non-payment to get a judgment or lien, resetting the clock.

    The only sure bet is bankruptcy, which will drop off your report after a period of time that varies from state to state in the U.S. (generally from 7 to 10 years). Not sure is this applies outside the U.S.

  • Regarding the heating/cooling, if you’re home is decently insulated look into supercooling in the summer months. At higher temperatures your heat pump has to work harder to cool down the home. By running cooling overnight when temperatures are lower, it uses less power to the same result.

    I cool my home to 68f from 2 am until 8 am on a schedule, and then the heat pump stays off until the indoor temps reach 74f. It’s provided a good amount of energy savings and helped me exceed the quoted power offset on my solar setup.

  • Use credit cards as cash, and pay off the balance weekly. This protects your bank account from fraud, as chargebacks and fraud are more easily dealt with on credit, and they tend to have better account monitoring and security than banks and credit unions. Even better if you have a cash-back/points card, that’s basically free money.

    This also makes it easy to track spending if you have specific purpose credit cards. E.g, one card for groceries and gas, another for recurring bills or service payments, another for frivolous stuff, etc.


    Even if you have no other investments, open a high yield savings account and keep the bulk of your funds there, other than what you need for a general emergency fund and monthly bills. Current yields are over 4%, generally better than inflation, without any risk.

  • It’s not a picnic, and doesn’t have to be. Without the bad we wouldn’t always appreciate the good things in life. I’ve been fortunate, I’m living well these days, happily married, and haven’t suffered from depression in probably over a decade now (though anxiety is an ever present low buzz in the background. I’m used to it).

    But that phrase is irksome. What doesn’t kill you doesn’t always make you stronger. Sometimes it fucks up your life. Sometimes it’s a roadblock, other times it’s life altering in unforeseen ways, and occasionally the consequences of what doesn’t kill is a tragic fate worse than death.

    Tripping and falling might not kill me, might just lead to embarrassment. Or it could lead to CTE or irreversible brain damage from head trauma. Certainly not stronger for that sort of thing.

  • DNS is often misconfigured.

    On the linux side of things, people like to manually edit /etc/resolv.conf when it’s actually a symlink and changes to it don’t persist on boot (the real file location varies, but it’s usually in something like /etc/system/resolve). And forget bind9, if it’s not MS DNS it’s not DNS to some folks.

    On the Windows side, people love to ignore that reverse DNS exists, even though so many things use it. They also freaking love CNAME aliases and break stuff in interesting ways (for example, a “load balanced” configuration that’s all just the first node acting as all three nodes of a cluster or pool).

    Many people only know enough DNS to be dangerous and come up with really jank workarounds to get things running because they don’t understand the proper solutions.

  • I buy new which is against the overall trend, but I also tend to drive my cars into the ground and want something functional and warrantied, I don’t want second hand issues in the event someone didn’t do the regular maintenance and I live in the boonies now where reliable transportation is a must. I’m not interested in “new” just functional.

    Last car before this I drove for 14 years and I only traded it in because I needed a CUV crossover to handle light off-road use after moving to a rural area (my old car was a small sedan style hatchback with a fixed suspension). I’d otherwise still be driving the old one I bought in 2006.

    My “new” car (bought in late 2020) was fairly cheap as these things go (I got the 2020 model instead of the new 2021) and I paid a third of it cash down and got a 0% APR on it due to a financing deal, so zero interest at all. I’m also paying well above the monthly payments and expect to have it fully paid off within the next year, just because I hate having a car payment. Currently the car costs as much or more on the used market than I paid for it new, and with many more miles on it than I currently have.

    Also, in fairness, I can 100% afford it and if needed could pay it off lump sum right now. I don’t buy or finance things I can’t comfortably afford.

  • Pretty great. Had a small (1050 sq/ft) house built in a semi-rural area and live comfortably. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, was only ~$210k. Bought about $6k in points to get the interest rate at 2.25%. My mortgage is less than I was paying in rent for a ratty old single bed/bath 640 sq/ft townhome.

    Plus I got out of the city. It’s quiet. Night sky is beautiful out here. Just stars as far as the eye can see. I got mountain views, deer chilling outside my house. I’ve got one neighbor across the street and my next closest neighbor is like a quarter mile up the road. It’s lovely.

    Also, I don’t plan on selling, but apparently the place is already worth something like 30% more than the purchase price.