• 2 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 27th, 2024


  • Do you think of the fire department as “some sort of public insurance”?

    Yes, it can be viewed as such! Things can be viewed from many angles. Another one that’re not called insurance but kinda are, are flat prices for things whose price actually varies. Like electricity prices: they’re often based on a spot price in an power exchange, so if you as a consumer choose to get a flat price, you’re essentially paying a premium.

    Insurance is a pretty great industry and good fit for markets if only there’s healthy competition. If there’s no fertile ground for competition, it’s one signal that perhaps the public sector should handle that one.

  • Why is it that we have to talk about these things when there’s an economic downturn? Even Keynes thought that boom is the time to save money, recession the time to spend it.

    I don’t remember any government doing cutbacks or delaying spending during an economic boom. It’s always so that when money is flowing in, spending is adjusted up. And then when the inevitable recession comes, suddenly we don’t have any money and are forced into austerity.

    Is this entirely a symptom of democracy? Because saving is not a popular thing to do?