Ahem, excuse me. The US doesn’t “torture”. It’s “enhanced interrogation”.
Ahem, excuse me. The US doesn’t “torture”. It’s “enhanced interrogation”.
Why do we need the “most lethal” military? Are we in danger of being invaded by Canada or Mexico?
A couple of good examples are lifehacker.com and lifehack.org. Both sites used to have excellent content. The sites are still up and running, but the first one has turned into a collection of listicles and the second is an ad for an “AI-powered life coach”. All of that old content is gone and is only accessible through the Internet Archive.
In fact, many domains never shut down, they just change owners or change direction.
The attacker(s) apparently just did it to do it.
The law of attraction seemed to be pretty big in the 2000s with What The Bleep Do We Know? and The Secret. That’s just toxic positivity wearing a New Age mantle.
What are you doing to push Harris to the left on this position? She needs to change, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it could cost her the election. If you’re so worried about Trump winning, you need her to change on this.
How can Trump be any worse on this? Biden/Harris are already giving Israel everything they want. How could you give them more?
Trump has said “finish it”, without elaborating AFAIK. Do you have evidence that he means “wipe out Gaza”?
while Biden/Harris/Walz support Israel defending itself within its borders but don’t support genocide.
They do support genocide. They’ve been supporting it this whole time. They have said they will continue to support it.
One thing I can say about the Zionists is that they’re honest. They’re wrong, but they’re honest.
It’s hard to respect anybody who, on the one hand, opposes Harris for her support of genocide, but on the other hand votes for her anyway.
What a strange thing to hate. It makes you angry when people don’t want to do small talk?
I think that people are more willing to talk about it now, because mental illness is less stigmatized than it used to be.
I agree that AI can be helpful for bouncing ideas off of. It’s been a great aid in learning, too. However, when I’m using it to help me learn programming, for example, I can run the code and see whether or not it works.
I’m automatically skeptical of anything they tell me, because I know they could just be making something up. I always have to verify.
So, let me get this straight…you “thirst for an answer”, but you don’t care whether or not the answer is correct?
The problem with getting answers from AI is that if they don’t know something, they’ll just make it up.
I recently saw a photo on some website. It was from a Trump rally, and people had these freaky, ecstatic looks on their faces. Somebody commented that it looked like AI. Other people soon agreed; one of them remarked on the bizarre, “alien” hand on one of the babies in the crowd. That hand did look weird. There were too few fingers. It looked like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle hand.
The problem was that this image was originally from a news story that was years prior to ChatGPT and the current AI boom. For this to be AI, the photographer would’ve had to have access to experimental software that was years away from being released to the public.
Sometimes people just look weird and, sometimes, they have weird hands, too.
Abuse doesn’t have to be physical, though. It can also be emotional.
I’m not saying to drop your friends and family at the first signs of negativity. There are people, though, who are not good for you, and nothing you can do can change that. The sooner you figure out who those people are and get them out of your life, the better.
My friends are not MEANT to make me happy. They are meant to be there when I’m unhappy.
What if they make you feel worse when you’re unhappy?
I mean, it looks like we agree that friends should, if not make you happy, at least make your life better in some way. I’m talking about the people who are making your life worse.
Sometimes they’ll have to “make me unhappy” to make me realize my mistakes. That’s what friendship is all about.
What if you don’t agree that they’re mistakes?
Would you really maintain a relationship with somebody who made you unhappy? Somebody who abused you? Somebody who didn’t respect you? And if so, why?
People can help people, yet lately they only think of themselves.
Why “lately”?
It’s not only thinking of yourself. It’s thinking about yourself and the people who aren’t fucking you up. If somebody has a history of toxic behavior, then you have to take that into account. If you let that affect you, you’re A) harming yourself and B) are less able to help the people who actually do love you and respect you.
“Going through a mental crisis” doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re treating your friends like shit. If you treat your friends like shit, and that drives them away, whose fault is that?
There are, of course, exceptions, but those have to be people whom I care for and love very, very much. And even then, if the toxicity is too damaging to my own mental health, I have to cut them off for my own good. At the end of the day, all human relations rely on a cost/benefit analysis. If I’m losing more than I’m gaining from this relationship, why should I continue it?
I also don’t think you’re doing that person any favors by ignoring their bad behavior.
You know that they make cheese out of nuts, too. And there isn’t any lactose.