Don’t confuse you not being able to obtain consent from them, with them having an inability to not want something. Doors are not sentient, cows are. This speaks to you having no clue what’s going on in their heads.
An animal can indicate things to a human, i.e., “I want food”, “please scratch me”, or “where is my baby that you just took away”. They can’t sign their name on a legally binding contract but that doesn’t mean they’re incapable of wanting or not wanting something. There is a connection between the two things, namely that their sentient experience involves wants and non-wants, likes and dislikes, joy and trauma.
Don’t confuse you not being able to obtain consent from them, with them having an inability to not want something. Doors are not sentient, cows are. This speaks to you having no clue what’s going on in their heads.
sentence and consent are unrelated. One has nothing to do with the other.
An animal can indicate things to a human, i.e., “I want food”, “please scratch me”, or “where is my baby that you just took away”. They can’t sign their name on a legally binding contract but that doesn’t mean they’re incapable of wanting or not wanting something. There is a connection between the two things, namely that their sentient experience involves wants and non-wants, likes and dislikes, joy and trauma.
none of this means the consent is a relevant topics for any species except humans.