While some fans loved this unabashed display of French camp and kitsch, others — particularly those who espouse conservative or Christian beliefs — were not happy with it.
The entire opening ceremony was riddled with elements that were exaggerated specifically to give the middle finger to people who can’t help but force their personal religious beliefs on others. And seeing how riled up they’ve been getting over it, I must say it worked.
They included everyone who has been excluded from the beginning and made a statement that they will not pander to those who want them excluded anymore. Those who were angry at this are those who wanted to keep these people excluded. I’d say it’s a pace in a good direction to bring people together. There is only a group of people who will need to learn they can’t force their way on others anymore.
For crying out loud had these people had their way again we wouldn’t even have had that badass metal music show in front of the Bastille Conciergerie, where Marie Antoinette was trialed and sentenced to death.
The other way around. It’s the agnostics who defend your right to do whatever you want inside your church, as long as it isn’t illegal. It’s outside your stupid church you don’t get to say or command anything. And that’s what offends religious folks. Losing the power to force others to obey your religion is not oppression, leave us the fuck alone.
Since you bring up logic, the logical fallacy you’re displaying is called the false equivalence fallacy. Blackface is outrageous because the purpose is to demonize and humiliate black people. The purpose of drag is to CELEBRATE freedom of feminine expression, regardless of sex/gender. One is inherently exclusive, while the other is inherently inclusive.
I haven’t committed terrorism, I don’t plan on committing terrorism, I don’t support committing terrorism, so I won’t defend those who are committing terrorism. And you’re right, it is a worse reason.
The entire opening ceremony was riddled with elements that were exaggerated specifically to give the middle finger to people who can’t help but force their personal religious beliefs on others. And seeing how riled up they’ve been getting over it, I must say it worked.
An event that’s supposed to bring people together, instead purposely creates division. I’m agnostic af, but I can clearly see this is bad taste.
If you like creating division, then by all means celebrate it I guess…
They included everyone who has been excluded from the beginning and made a statement that they will not pander to those who want them excluded anymore. Those who were angry at this are those who wanted to keep these people excluded. I’d say it’s a pace in a good direction to bring people together. There is only a group of people who will need to learn they can’t force their way on others anymore.
For crying out loud had these people had their way again we wouldn’t even have had that badass metal music show in front of the
BastilleConciergerie, where Marie Antoinette was trialed and sentenced to death.It’s the agnostics who want to force our churches to go woke in Europe.
The other way around. It’s the agnostics who defend your right to do whatever you want inside your church, as long as it isn’t illegal. It’s outside your stupid church you don’t get to say or command anything. And that’s what offends religious folks. Losing the power to force others to obey your religion is not oppression, leave us the fuck alone.
That’s not always the case
The only people creating division are religious people who can’t switch off their offended brain for once and laugh a little.
Same logic can be applied to people being (rightfully) outraged at blackface
Since you bring up logic, the logical fallacy you’re displaying is called the false equivalence fallacy. Blackface is outrageous because the purpose is to demonize and humiliate black people. The purpose of drag is to CELEBRATE freedom of feminine expression, regardless of sex/gender. One is inherently exclusive, while the other is inherently inclusive.
And the purpose of mocking Christianity is…? I didn’t mention drag here.
It’s Christianity causing the division. Not the inclusions of the LGBT.
But only against christians, no othetlr religion or lack thereof.
And we aren’t the ones beheading teachers and shooting up art studios
No, you’re just the ones producing most of the stochastic terrorism in the US
The Bible doesn’t say to commit terrorism.
And yet Christians keep doing it in the name of their god
So you guys just do it for fun, then?
That’s a worse reason, you do understand that?
I haven’t committed terrorism, I don’t plan on committing terrorism, I don’t support committing terrorism, so I won’t defend those who are committing terrorism. And you’re right, it is a worse reason.
Yes, because condemning terrorism is also terrorism. Do you guys even hear yourself?
That’s because other religions are minorities in the West and get too much hate and vitriol as it is.
Isnt the olympics about unity? If you have to single out a group to make fun of, maybe you shouldnt
Really? They fully declared the performance was unquestionably for Christians? Not everything in the world is about Jesus.
It was literally the Last Supper. I dont know how much more christian specific you can get
Rejecting your religion’s bigotry is not “singling you out”.