Being wrong.
I’m wrong sometimes, no big deal. Finding out what is correct is just another learning experience.
Ugh. yes. im in tech and people seem shocked if I say I don’t know something. interviews to. Its like I don’t know what that is but is it related to X or can you give ma an idea of what area that word is from.
On this note. Being right.
People are terrified of disagreeing with people and ruining the harmony.
Had this conversation with my wife early in our marriage. I got the, “fine, I’m wrong, you’re right. You’re always right.” And I said, “I’m not always right. I’m often wrong. I just don’t make a big deal out of it, apologize if I need to, and we all move on and you forget about it. You remember all the times you’re wrong because it always turns into a conversation like this.” Then she started noticing and started being more chill about being wrong (she grew up in a VERY shitty household with a narcissist mother where admission of wronghood was an opportunity to get absolutely shit on).
It’s amazing how a simple, “oh, you’re right, my bad” can improve your life and reputation.
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On the same note, going to the cinema alone or eating out alone. If you want to go with someone and can’t find anyone, that’s sad, but I only bother with a movie ticket these days when it’s something I really want to let soak in. That works just as well alone, if not better, and my family doesn’t have the same taste in movies as me. For eating alone, it could get old if it were all the time, but sometimes just a book and me and some food that’s better than I could easily manage, it’s really nice.
Once I started having to travel for work and was forced to eat alone, it took the stigma out of it for me. Now I just pretend I’m a traveller in my own city when I want to do something alone. Frankly, I’ve started to prefer it.
Tbh it’s moreso safety concerns than social embarrassment that keeps me from going to shows alone, but if I lived closer to my venues and didn’t have to drive an hour across town I’d probably go alone more often too
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Breaking the “rules” of masculinity.
Many years ago I worked for a medical company. A coworker (Boomer dude) and I were demonstrating a lift mechanism when I made the joke: last time I got in a harness, there was a safe word.
The joke killed, but my coworker was mad for weeks because in the joke, I implied we were going to have sex.
for weeks ?? holy shit, that snowflake took its time to melt
A lot of these rules are stupid.
Recently there was a news article about a politician dissing Kamala Harris’ husband for grocery shopping with her. The fact that anyone would even stop to consider it not being “masculine” is corny as fuck.
I do this with my wife all the time—we both eat, and we have wildly different diets (I’m vegan)—why would I just pile all my shit on her plate and make it her responsibility? Because I might be seen as gay by someone in a MAGA hat?
I just don’t like going to the store, sue me!
I mean that’s fine, we’re all different. If your partner doesn’t mind doing the shopping that’s fine too.
The problem here is that people really find it “unmanly” to go to the grocery store.
Yeah i was just riffing off of that sorry
I think it’s totally reasonable to be mad at someone for being sexually suggestive, especially in a work environment.
Eating out alone is great. You get to be adjacent to people without actually needing to interact with them.
Eating out alone is great.
It’s really a shame i’m not flexible enough
maybe if you remove one rib…
It does suck when there’s a bunch of stuff you want to try on the menu and itd be way easier if there were other people so you can share. Or when it’s a type of food that’s better for a group like hot pot or Korean bbq
I like doing this at specific spots. Like a side street with a nice view where you can people watch
telling people how much money i make. i want everyone at my job to be aware of any inconsistent salary payments so they can use it to ask for adjustments.
absolutely, keeping that information secret is a gift to the patronat
Poo. Everyone needs to do it. Some people have bags instead of bumholes. I have a condition which means I need medication or I’ll shit myself into a serious illness or injury. How many people would be saved if they weren’t so hung up on talking about their poo?
I have a girl friend who has some of the loudest shits. They rival dad shits. It always impresses me because I’m still pretty shy about loo tooting.
I didn’t know how old you are, but I’m at an age when I’ve realized that I likely won’t outgrown laughing when I hear someone else in a public bathroom rip a fart while taking a dump.
There’s this guy on IG that fake farts in public and records people’s reactions. Everyone laughs. 10/10 this guy is my hero.
I just remember that REM song, Everybody Poops (sometimes), and it helps me not feel embarrassed.
Made for a very awkward video, wherein a ton of people shat themselves in their cars and then got out and wandered around, looking for a bathroom.
We’ve all done it, but we didn’t mingle with each other afterwards.
Everybody Poops and if they don’t, they’re an Android. And should be destroyed.
As a dude, drinking sweet cocktails instead of beer and not having more than one or two drinks. First of all, I have the asian flush so I get red very easily. Even if I’m not drunk at all, I look like it. So I nurse my drink and sip slowly. I also usually don’t have more than 2 in a night. And if I’m gonna nurse a drink, I might as well have something that tastes delicious.
IMO this is why Fireball got popular. Guys wanted to look like Don Draper with brown spirits in a glass but don’t actually like whisk(e)y so they had a brown spirit based cordial so they can “look manly” but still have a sweet drink.
Drink what you like most do not care. One of my favorite things of all time is the Wild Turkey Honey Liquor from the first few years of it’s release (hexagonal brown glass bottle, 40% abv, brownstamps on glass place the bottle between 1976-1980 NOT the 30% from the early 80s which is clear similar shape but no birds on the glass) as it is a combination of local honey and some of the WT 101 proof. One of my other favorite things is a Mezcal that tastes like roast boar and aloe (Mal Bien Jabali can’t recall Mezcalero or release year). Drink what you like.
I like fireball or honey whatever shooters in addition to enjoying real whisky. Each has its place. Assigning any sort of gender role crap to someone’s favorite way of recreationally poisoning themselves is just the height of fucking dumb.
Yet there’s a slew of marketing data surrounding fireball that suggests this was the case
I thought it was implied that “the height of fucking dumb” included mass marketing.
Love a fruity, sweet cocktail or even just a Malibu and lemonade.
- Living with your parents as an adult.
- Not knowing how to do “basic” things (as long as you work on them once the issue is presented)
- Playing with toys/collectables
- Being scared of the dark
Paying for sex. Way better than pretending you like somone and string them along for sex. Or worse force yourself on somebody. If you’re going out the regular way you will probably spend just as much.
This way you get to do it with someone who looks the way you want, is a professional and therefore pretty good at what they do. Also you can probably get someone to fulfill the kink you’re obsessing about but are unlikely to find somebody who’s somehow equally interested in as yourself.
A problem is human traficing, but that’s exactly why the taboo needs lifting. If people can have a sex job, be safe and self supporting and a tax paying member of society there’s only upsides.
The insecurity and frustration in (mainly) young guys that need to get laid but ‘would never pay for sex’ out of some moral point of view is very detrimental to male-female relations. If this were more socially acceptable it would be of benefit to society.
Being on stage/in the spotlight
I don’t care if people - even strangers - see me naked. I don’t walk around nude or anything, not because of shame or embarrassment, but because I don’t wanna inflict such a visage on anyone against their will. But someone having seen my dick doesn’t make me embarrassed at all. For example, if someone walks in on me changing, or if someone yanks my pants down as a prank out in public, none of that bothers me in the slightest. In fact, I sometimes feel like I have to pretend to be a little embarrassed just because I worry that people will think I’m into public exhibitionism or something. It’s better for the other person if I pretend to be shocked/panicking. It’s weirder for them if I just stand there with my shlong out and start talking to them like nothing is out of the ordinary. But I really don’t give a shit.
Nudity, it’s just a fucking body stop sexualizing normal human bodies ffs
It’s literally an innate thing to sexualise the human body
But fetishizing the naked body is very much a cultural thing.
apparently missing your tram station and sitting down until the next one
Taking a fat shit in a public restroom. No reason to be shy about it. Everyones gotta go sometimes.
I’ve no embarrassment about shitting in public, but I still prefer my own bathroom for sanitary and comfort reasons.
Giving public speeches. It’s always been something that I’m weirdly good at!