Tea is just leaf in water, right?
Please consult the chart below if you have questions
What am I if I think tea must have leaves in it but added non leaf things doesn’t stop it being tea? Gutter water is definitely tea. I guess a stew made with a bay leaf is also tea. Coffee is made from beans so is coffee not tea.
Chocolate is also made from beans but is not coffee.
Hmm I dunno I guess hot chocolate is coffee. Coffee is also a complimentary flavour to chocolate no? So chocolate is coffee.
Well, they’re both made from beans of similar plants, so in a sense. Chocolate is just with milk instead of water.
Gin is tea
You do not put what you are smoking through a bong in the water. It is outside in a bowl. The smoke is pulled through the water and out into your lungs. It is more like a water based cigarette filter.
TIL how bongs work.
Do you always burn all of the weed before it gets sucked through the cone piece? I sure don’t. There’s green (well, probably brown now) unburned bits in the bottom chamber of mine for sure.
You may need a screen.
Maybe, I just ignore the problem. Maybe I lose $5 over $250 worth. Wind costs me more than that haha
Just like the Chiefs needed a screen last night, because MAHOMES GOT SAAAAAAAAAACKED!!!
That’s exactly what it is
Not sure why, but my memory of gravity bongs popped into my head and I was amazed to find a WikiHow. Although I remember people using a large bucket/tub and a whole 2-litter.
Almost as wild as the 5-6 footers people stood on chairs to hit at parties, and took multiple people to clear.
Edit yay insomnia
deleted by creator
I’d say no, based on a few factors.
First, any plant matter that gets into the water is heated. Second, it will only get in there after the water has had smoke go through it, warning the liquid above ambient.
Third, since the steeping would occur with adulterants, is it really a tea/tisane at all? Typically, anything other than prepared plant matter being added during a cold brew is going to interfere with steeping, so having the ash, tars, and residual resins/terpenes/etc in the water beforehand seems less like a tea and more like a stock.
And, yeah, you can argue that a stock isn’t super dissimilar from a tea, but you can’t cold brew a stock. Too many of the things in there won’t get into suspension, or dissolve without heat. Even in vegetable stock.
Fourth, unless you’re broke, you aren’t going to be smoking much leaf, there’s supposed to be mostly bud in there. While you can make a tea from flowers, tea tea isn’t predominantly flower of the camellia.
So, as a shower thought, this is fucking awesome. It just doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.
what a fantastic deconstruction on tea creation and its constitute parts
Nah, bongwater is more like ashes in water.
Technically it’s not tea unless it’s from Camellia sinensis.
Yeah, though at this point, I think that’s becoming less useful. Tisane as a term is essentially dead outside of very niche circles, and tea has replaced it in pretty much all common usage. This, btw, isn’t me disagreeing with you, it’s an expansion on the subject.
At some point, with the word tea not being a formal scientific term, it being technically correct only for one plant type starts to not be true. I don’t think it’s there yet, but it’s moving that direction.
But, that’s going to be a long time. We’re still at the point where you have to specify if you want tea from other plants by prefixing the type of plant with it, while camellia is the default. But it is starting to be a thing where more and more people think of tea as a brewed/steeped product rather than an infusion of one plant.
What I wonder is if it’ll be something like where people call chai chai tea, and we’ll have to order tea tea lol.
It’s been a thing in my lifetime where some people weren’t even aware that anything other than black tea exists. Here in the mountains of the us, if it wasn’t iced sweet tea, you were drinking some kind of herbal tea hot. There was no green tea, and finding anyone that knew that there was more than one type of black tea was unusual. Now, our little town has a tea shop with maybe thirty types of camellia products ranging from white to green to black, different varieties, all kinds of stuff.
Gonna be interesting how the language of it shifts. I won’t likely live long enough to see it change all the way though
Take a sip and tell us what you think
Tis high tea good sir
Isn’t it warm?
I prefer iced bong water.
The water is entirely based on the temperature outside. There’s like 400ml of water, and that would take forever to heat up with a lighter.
Nah, but it does taste like those really shitty cheap as fuck coffee lollies.
Nope, it’s water that smoke and ashes passed through
I promise you not every cone is 100% burned when it hits the water. I don’t know how much of the ashes pass through either, there’s definitely a lot in the water.
I’m not pot guy - no objections to it, I just don’t like it - but: surely someone must have tested THC levels of bong water at some point. Is there enough to be worth distilling bong water to a concentrate?
THC isn’t water soluble, so the only THC would be in the ashes that collect, and it wouldn’t be much
I wondered; I wasn’t sure how the chemistry of this worked, because of the existence of edibles.
Chemistry is a massive knowledge gap for me.
It’s not tea my guy